
Capstone: Create Value from Open Data

ESSEC Business School

The Capstone project, "Create Value from Open Data," offered by ESSEC Business School, is an individual assignment that enables participants to explore and solve real-world issues using open data. The course emphasizes leveraging data from diverse sectors such as farming and nutrition, culture, economy and employment, education & research, international & Europe, housing, sustainable development & energies, health & social, society, territories & transport. Participants are encouraged to mix different fields and integrate properly sourced open data sets to create value for public authorities, companies, and citizens.

The course consists of three deliverables that guide participants through the process: preliminary preparation and problem qualification, presenting intermediary outputs and adjustments to the analysis framework, and presenting final outputs and the value case. Throughout the course, participants will receive feedback from their peers and will be provided with an evaluation framework to assess the quality of each other's deliverables.

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Capstone:  Create Value from Open Data
Course Modules

The course modules guide participants through defining the analysis framework, preparing deliverables, and presenting the final outputs and value case. Participants will learn to leverage open data from various sectors to create value for different stakeholders.

Introduction and step 1 : Define the analysis framework

Module 1 provides an introduction to defining the analysis framework, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and effective presentation of findings. Participants will explore data exploration and analytics, as well as the guidelines for the Capstone project.

Required assignement 1: Define the analysis framework

Module 2 focuses on the required assignment of defining the analysis framework, providing participants with practical exercises to apply their knowledge.

Required feed back on Delivery 1:Define the analysis framework and preparation of deliverable 2

Module 3 involves feedback on the first deliverable, preparing participants for the subsequent deliverable by refining the analysis framework and adjusting the outputs.

Practice for Deliverable 2

Module 4 offers practice for Deliverable 2, allowing participants to further develop their skills in presenting intermediary outputs and adjusting the analysis framework.

Required assignement 2: Present the intermediary outputs and adjustments to the analysis framework

Module 5 introduces the required assignment of presenting the intermediary outputs and adjustments to the analysis framework, emphasizing the importance of refining and confirming the results.

Required feedback for delivery 2 and preparation of delivery 3

Module 6 provides feedback for Deliverable 2 and prepares participants for Deliverable 3, focusing on presenting the final outputs and value case.

Required Delivery 3: Present the final outputs and value case

Module 7 involves the required delivery of presenting the final outputs and value case, allowing participants to showcase their comprehensive analysis and the value it creates for stakeholders.

Required feedback on Assignment 3: Present the final outputs and value case

Module 8 offers feedback on Assignment 3, ensuring that participants receive guidance on presenting the final outputs and the value case with clarity and impact.

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