

Fudan University

This course at Fudan University delves into the world of microfilm creation, offering a comprehensive understanding of film language and the process of expressing ideas through microfilms. Through a blend of theory and practical examples, learners will be guided through the entire process of microfilm creation, fostering an attitude of respect and a quest for freedom in the face of a standardized world.

Emphasizing the importance of narrative and emotional resonance, the course covers modules such as Director's Thinking, Editing, Screenwriting, Filming, and Creative Practices. In the final project, students may receive support and sponsorship from leading companies, offering the opportunity to showcase their microfilms on platforms such as Tencent Sports and receive professional guidance.

  • Master film language and storytelling techniques
  • Gain practical experience in microfilm creation
  • Develop a unique storytelling style and narrative approach
  • Collaborate with industry leaders for exposure and support

Certificate Available ✔

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Course Modules

Embark on a journey of microfilm creation, mastering film language, storytelling, and practical skills. From Director's Thinking to Creative Practices, each module offers valuable insights and hands-on experience. Join for free and unleash your creativity today.


Begin with Director's Thinking, focusing on self-cultivation and the essential mindset for microfilm creation. Understand the respect and freedom required to challenge standardized approaches and embark on a journey of creative expression.


Delve into the art of Editing, learning to treat footage like ingredients in a culinary masterpiece. Discover how to balance and weave multiple plotlines and create a unique stylistic approach to microfilm creation.


Explore Screenwriting as a means of creating a dynamic and visually captivating story. Learn the fundamental steps, knowledge, and intrinsic patterns of film screenwriting through rich case studies and targeted exercises.


Uncover the nuances of Filming, understanding the deeper implications behind every aspect of film language. Learn to think like an editor before filming, ensuring thoughtful arrangements and deliberate visual metaphors in microfilm creation.


Engage in Creative Practices, gaining practical experience and collaborating with industry leaders for exposure and support. Explore opportunities for showcasing microfilms and receiving professional guidance to create high-quality works.

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