
Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis

Georgia Institute of Technology

Explore the intricate world of AC circuit analysis in Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis. This course, offered by Georgia Institute of Technology, delves into the theoretical and practical aspects of circuits with AC voltage and current sources. Through a combination of analytical and experimental approaches, students gain insights into the behavior of circuits featuring resistors, capacitors, and inductors in the presence of alternating current.

The course is structured into modules that cover a range of topics, including AC circuit analysis, phasors, impedance, transfer functions, frequency response, filters, power, and transformers. Students have the opportunity to delve into practical applications, such as sensors, and gain hands-on experience through lab demonstrations.

  • Gain a deep understanding of AC circuit analysis and its practical applications
  • Explore the behavior of circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors under alternating current conditions
  • Learn about frequency response, filter design, power analysis, and transformer models
  • Engage in hands-on lab demonstrations and practical applications in sensors

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Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis
Course Modules

Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis consists of modules covering topics such as AC circuit analysis, phasors, impedance, transfer functions, frequency response, filters, power, and transformers, providing a comprehensive understanding of analyzing circuits with alternating current sources.

Module 1: AC Circuit Analysis

Module 1 delves into the fundamentals of AC circuit analysis, introducing learners to phasors, impedance, and transfer functions. Through real-world examples, students gain a deep understanding of circuit behavior under alternating current conditions.

Module 2: Frequency Reponse

Module 2 focuses on frequency response, covering topics such as frequency spectra, Bode plots, and the behavior of RC and RLC circuits. Students explore the characteristics of linear frequency response and its practical applications.

Module 3: Filters

Module 3 explores filters, including lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and notch filters. Students also engage in a lab demonstration to understand practical applications, such as guitar string filtering.

Module 4: Power

Module 4 delves into power analysis, covering topics such as root mean square, power factor, power triangles, and AC power transfer. Students gain insights into the practical aspects of analyzing power in AC circuits.

Module 5: Transformers

Module 5 focuses on transformers, covering linear and ideal transformer models, as well as linear variable differential transformers. Students also have the option to review complex numbers to deepen their understanding of transformer models.

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