
Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes

Google Cloud

This self-paced lab, "Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes," provides hands-on experience in conducting distributed load testing with Kubernetes in the Google Cloud console. The lab includes comprehensive instructions to create a system under test, deploy a small web application to Google App Engine, use Kubernetes Engine to deploy a distributed load testing framework, and create load testing traffic for a simple REST-based API.

  • Hands-on experience in creating a system under test
  • Deployment of a small web application to Google App Engine
  • Utilization of Kubernetes Engine for deploying a distributed load testing framework
  • Creation of load testing traffic for a simple REST-based API

By completing this lab, participants will gain practical skills in Kubernetes deployment, distributed load testing, and managing load testing traffic using Google Cloud services. The course is designed to be completed in under 2 hours and offers a comprehensive learning experience for individuals looking to enhance their skills in distributed load testing and Kubernetes deployment.

Certificate Available ✔

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Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes
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