
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

University of Toronto

Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. The course "Learn to Program: The Fundamentals" offered by the University of Toronto is designed to introduce the fundamental building blocks of programming. Through this course, you will learn the essential concepts and skills required to write fun and useful programs using the Python language.

The course is divided into seven modules, each addressing different aspects of programming and Python. You will start with learning about Python, variables, and functions, followed by understanding strings, designing functions, booleans, import, namespaces, and if statements, for loops and fancy string manipulation, while loops, lists, and mutability, for loops over indices, parallel and nested lists and strings, and files, and finally tuples and dictionaries.

  • Gain fundamental programming skills
  • Learn to write fun and useful programs using Python
  • Understand various programming concepts and their applications
  • Develop the ability to design and manipulate functions, loops, and data structures

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Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
Course Modules

The "Learn to Program: The Fundamentals" course is divided into seven modules, covering topics such as Python fundamentals, strings and functions, booleans and if statements, loops, lists, files, and dictionaries.

Python, Variables, and Functions

Welcome to the "Learn to Program: The Fundamentals" course. This module introduces Python, variables, and functions. It covers the installation of Python, understanding Python as a calculator, variables, built-in functions, and defining functions. You will also learn about the course logistics, syllabus, and resources.

Strings and Designing Functions

This module focuses on strings and designing functions. It covers type str, input/output, string formatting, docstrings, function design recipe, function reuse, and assignment 1 on time zones.

Booleans, Import, Namespaces, and if Statements

Booleans, import, namespaces, and if statements are the key topics of this module. It covers functions, variables, call stack, type bool, converting between int, str, and float, import, if statements, and structuring if statements.

For Loops and Fancy String Manipulation

Explore for loops and fancy string manipulation in this module. It covers more string operators, string indexing and slicing, string methods, for loop over str, and IDLE's debugger. Additionally, it includes assignment 2 on DNA processing.

While Loops, Lists, and Mutability

This module delves into while loops, lists, and mutability, covering topics such as while loops, comments, type list, list methods, mutability, aliasing, and range.

For Loops Over Indices, Parallel and Nested Lists and Strings, and Files

For loops over indices, parallel and nested lists and strings, and files are the focus of this module. It covers for loop over indices, parallel lists and strings, nested lists, nested loops, and reading and writing files. Additionally, it includes assignment 3.

Tuples and Dictionaries

This module covers tuples and dictionaries, discussing topics such as tuples, type dict, inverting a dictionary, populating a dictionary, and the final exam.

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