
Getting Started with Gaming on Cloud Spanner

Google Cloud

This self-paced lab in the Google Cloud console guides you through implementing a player profile service and game matchmaking service with Cloud Spanner. You will learn to set up a Cloud Spanner instance, create a game database and schema, deploy Go apps to work with Cloud Spanner, use read-write transactions for data consistency, leverage DML and Spanner mutations for data modification, generate data using Locust, and query data in Cloud Spanner to answer questions about games and players.

  • Learn to set up a Cloud Spanner instance and create a game database and schema
  • Deploy Go apps to work with Cloud Spanner and use read-write transactions for data consistency
  • Leverage DML and Spanner mutations to modify data
  • Generate data using Locust and query data in Cloud Spanner to answer questions about games and players

Certificate Available ✔

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Getting Started with Gaming on Cloud Spanner
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