
IBM Full Stack Software Developer


Embark on an immersive journey to become a proficient full stack software developer with IBM's Full Stack Software Developer program. This comprehensive course equips you with the latest tools and practical skills utilized by professionals in the field. Through a blend of theory and hands-on projects, you will delve into cloud native application development, master front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and backend development with Node.js, Python, Django, and more.

Furthermore, you will gain proficiency in utilizing essential modern tools like Git, GitHub, containers, Kubernetes, and serverless computing. The program culminates in a capstone project, where you will apply your acquired knowledge to create and deploy a full stack cloud application, showcasing your expertise to potential employers through your GitHub portfolio.

Upon completion, you will be well-versed in full stack development, cloud computing, web development, and application security, setting the stage for a promising career as a sought-after full stack software developer. Earn up to 18 college credits and be prepared to enter the industry with confidence.

Certificate Available ✔

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IBM Full Stack Software Developer
Course Modules

Master the most up-to-date practical skills and tools that full stack developers use in their daily roles. From cloud computing and web development to containers, microservices, and serverless computing, this program prepares you for a successful career in software development.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Introduction to Cloud Computing

  • Define essential characteristics and the business case for cloud computing
  • Explain cloud service models and deployment models
  • Describe emerging Cloud related trends and popular cloud platforms

Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Explore the Web Application Development Ecosystem and terminology
  • Identify developer tools and integrated development environments used by web developers
  • Create and structure basic web pages and develop dynamic web pages with interactive features

Getting Started with Git and GitHub

Getting Started with Git and GitHub

  • Understand version control and its place in social and collaborative coding
  • Explain basic Git concepts and create GitHub repositories and branches
  • Build your portfolio by creating and sharing an open-source project on GitHub

Developing Front-End Apps with React

Developing Front-End Apps with React

  • Develop interactive user interfaces and web applications using React, JSX, and ES6
  • Communicate and exchange data with external services using various React concepts and features
  • Employ reusable React components and work with various React features including props, states, hooks, forms, and Redux

Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express

Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express

  • Create server-side applications using Node.js and extend applications with third-party packages and frameworks
  • Use npm to manage Node.js packages and develop asynchronous callback functions and promises for asynchronous operations

Python for Data Science, AI & Development

Python for Data Science, AI & Development

  • Describe Python Basics and programming logic using various libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and Beautiful Soup
  • Access web data using APIs and web scraping from Python in Jupyter Notebooks

Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask

Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask

  • Create Python modules, run unit tests, and deploy applications using Flask
  • Explain the features of Flask and deploy AI-based applications onto a web server using IBM Watson AI Libraries

Django Application Development with SQL and Databases

Django Application Development with SQL and Databases

  • Explain what a database is and create an entity relationship data model for a relational database
  • Compose SQL queries, use Django ORM to build object-oriented databases, and integrate Bootstrap into Django templates

Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift

Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift

  • Build cloud native applications using Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Istio
  • Describe and leverage Kubernetes architecture to set up and use an entire lifecycle-based container management system

Application Development using Microservices and Serverless

Application Development using Microservices and Serverless

  • Summarize the fundamentals of Microservices and create, deploy microservices using Docker containers and serverless technologies
  • Create REST API endpoints and invoke them using cURL and Postman

Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project

Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project

  • Combine and apply JavaScript, React.js, Python, Node.js, and Express skills to build a real-world web application
  • Deploy Django full stack web application on the cloud using containers and serverless and practice DevOps principles

Full Stack Software Developer Assessment

Full Stack Software Developer Assessment

  • Demonstrate mastery of full-stack, front-end, and back-end application development
  • Apply understanding of cloud computing, web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub, Python, and Django programming
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