
Machine Learning on Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Embark on a journey to master machine learning on Google Cloud with this comprehensive course. Learn to build, train, and deploy machine learning models without writing code, and gain valuable insights into responsible AI best practices and real-world experimentation.

Throughout this course, you will explore the Vertex AI platform and its applications in quickly building, training, and deploying AutoML machine learning models. Discover best practices for implementing machine learning on Google Cloud and leverage the Google Cloud environment for machine learning endeavors. You will also delve into responsible AI best practices and understand how to implement machine learning in the enterprise, including data management, governance, and preprocessing options.

  • Use Vertex AI AutoML and BigQuery ML to build, train, and deploy ML models
  • Implement machine learning models using Keras and TensorFlow 2.x
  • Implement machine learning in the enterprise best practices
  • Describe how to perform exploratory data analysis and improve data quality

Certificate Available ✔

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Machine Learning on Google Cloud
Course Modules

Explore machine learning on Google Cloud through this course. From understanding the basics to implementing advanced models, you will gain proficiency in Vertex AI, BigQuery ML, TensorFlow, and responsible AI best practices.

How Google does Machine Learning

Discover the fundamental concepts of machine learning on Google Cloud and the applications of the Vertex AI platform. Learn to build, train, and deploy AutoML machine learning models without writing any code. Gain insights into best practices for implementing machine learning on Google Cloud and understand responsible AI practices.

Launching into Machine Learning

Learn essential techniques for improving data quality and performing exploratory data analysis. Build and train AutoML models using Vertex AI and BigQuery ML, optimize and evaluate models, and create repeatable and scalable training, evaluation, and test datasets.

TensorFlow on Google Cloud

Master the creation of TensorFlow and Keras machine learning models, including their key components. Explore the usage of the library, Keras Sequential and Functional APIs, and learn to deploy ML models at scale with Vertex AI.

Feature Engineering

Delve into the Vertex AI Feature Store and understand the key aspects of good features. Learn feature engineering using BigQuery ML, Keras, and TensorFlow, and explore data preprocessing and feature exploration using tf.Transform.

Machine Learning in the Enterprise

Understand data management, governance, and preprocessing options. Identify when to use Vertex AutoML, BigQuery ML, and custom training, and implement Vertex Vizier Hyperparameter Tuning. Gain knowledge of creating batch and online predictions, model monitoring, and pipelines using Vertex AI.

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