
Den UX-Designprozess beginnen: Empathie aufbauen, Fokus definieren, Ideen entwickeln


Embark on the journey of UX design with Google's course, "Beginning the UX Design Process: Building Empathy, Defining Focus, Generating Ideas." Learn to understand user needs, develop empathy, and define problems to create impactful design solutions.

This comprehensive course covers:

  • Methods of UX research
  • Building empathy and understanding user needs
  • Defining user needs through problem descriptions
  • Idea generation for potential problem solutions

Join industry professionals to simulate real UX design scenarios and start your professional UX portfolio project. No prior experience required.

Certificate Available ✔

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Den UX-Designprozess beginnen: Empathie aufbauen, Fokus definieren, Ideen entwickeln
Course Modules

Master the UX design process with modules covering integration of research, building empathy, defining problems, and generating design ideas to create impactful user experiences.

Integration der Forschung in den Designprozess

Explore the integration of research in the design process, including understanding the importance of UX research and identifying biases in the research process. Engage in practical activities to apply your knowledge and test your understanding of UX research methods.

Empathie mit Nutzenden aufbauen und Probleme definieren

Learn to build empathy with users and define their problems. Gain insights into conducting interviews, creating empathy maps, and understanding personas. Engage in activities to recruit interview participants, conduct interviews, and create empathy maps.

User Storys und User Journey Maps erstellen

Discover the process of creating user stories and user journey maps. Understand the significance of considering edge cases and accessibility in building empathy. Engage in activities to develop user stories and user journey maps for your portfolio project.

Probleme von Nutzenden definieren

Define user problems through problem descriptions, hypotheses, and value propositions. Gain insights into human factors and psychological principles influencing design. Engage in activities to create problem descriptions and hypotheses for your portfolio project.

Ideenentwicklung für Designlösungen

Gain expertise in generating design ideas and understanding business requirements. Learn to conduct competitive audits and leverage insights for idea generation. Engage in activities to develop design ideas using various creative techniques and create a competitive audit.

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