
Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study


The Google Data Analytics Capstone course is the final step in the Google Data Analytics Certificate, offering an optional case study to enhance analytical skills for job readiness. This comprehensive program explores capstone basics, building portfolios, using portfolios when communicating with employers, and putting the certificate to work. Learners will differentiate between a capstone, case study, and a portfolio, apply data analysis procedures, and discuss the use of case studies and portfolios in job communication.

  • Prepare for the data analytics job hunt through an optional case study
  • Explore real-world job interview scenarios and common interview questions
  • Differentiate between a capstone, case study, and a portfolio
  • Apply data analysis practices and procedures to a given set of data
  • Discuss the use of case studies/portfolios when communicating with recruiters and potential employers

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Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study
Course Modules

The Google Data Analytics Capstone course comprises modules covering capstone basics, building portfolios, using portfolios for job communication, and putting the certificate to work.

Learn about capstone basics

This module introduces the capstone project, explores real-world portfolios, and prepares learners for the case study through data journaling and test exercises. It also provides a refresher on the data analytics certificate roadmap.

Optional: Building your portfolio

Learners will delve into building their portfolios by choosing a track and exploring case studies related to bike-sharing, wellness companies, and personalized scenarios. They will also learn how to create an online portfolio and share it with others, followed by a capstone roadmap.

Optional: Using your portfolio

This optional module focuses on using portfolios for job communication, discussing scenarios through videos, sharing work, preparing for interviews, and polishing portfolios for effective job communication and interview success.

Putting your certificate to work

Upon completing the capstone project, learners can explore professional opportunities, claim their certificate badge, connect with Google Data Analytics Certificate graduates, and take an end-of-course survey to provide feedback.

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