
Learn SQL Basics for Data Science

University of California, Davis

This Specialization is perfect for learners with no coding experience who want to master SQL for data science. You'll tackle progressively challenging projects covering SQL basics, data wrangling, analysis, AB testing, and distributed computing with Apache Spark and Delta Lake.

  • Master SQL commands to filter, sort, and summarize data
  • Manipulate strings, dates, and numerical data from various sources
  • Use Databricks workspace to create end-to-end pipelines and scalable Spark SQL code
  • Develop a project proposal, perform statistical analysis, and present findings

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Learn SQL Basics for Data Science
Course Modules

This specialization features four modules covering SQL basics, data wrangling, distributed computing with Spark SQL, and a capstone project. Each module equips learners with essential skills for data analysis and manipulation using SQL.

SQL for Data Science

Module 1: SQL for Data Science

  • Learn to write SQL queries to filter, sort, and summarize data
  • Integrate data from different sources using functions

Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL

Module 2: Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL

  • Validate and clean datasets
  • Build a testing framework for AB Testing

Distributed Computing with Spark SQL

Module 3: Distributed Computing with Spark SQL

  • Write scalable Spark SQL code in a collaborative Databricks workspace
  • Build an end-to-end data pipeline and a medallion lakehouse architecture with Delta Lake

SQL for Data Science Capstone Project

Module 4: SQL for Data Science Capstone Project

  • Develop a project proposal and select data
  • Perform descriptive statistics and advanced techniques in SQL
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