
IT Support Google


Embark on a transformative journey into the world of IT support with Google. This comprehensive program equips you with the foundational knowledge and practical skills essential for a successful career in the fast-growing field of IT. Designed for beginners, this course covers a wide range of topics, including hardware assembly, network fundamentals, operating systems, system administration, and IT security.

Through a series of engaging modules, you will learn to troubleshoot computer systems, provide comprehensive customer support, and understand the intricacies of IT infrastructure. Upon completion, you'll be well-prepared to pursue entry-level IT support positions or advance your career in the technology industry. This program also prepares you for the CompTIA A+ certification exam, providing you with a valuable dual credential upon successful completion.

  • Acquire essential skills for entry-level IT support roles
  • Learn to assemble computers, troubleshoot network issues, and provide customer support
  • Gain proficiency in operating systems, system administration, and IT security
  • Prepare for the CompTIA A+ certification exam and earn a dual credential

Certificate Available ✔

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IT Support Google
Course Modules

Explore a comprehensive curriculum covering IT fundamentals, networking, operating systems, system administration, and IT security. Gain practical skills and prepare for a successful career in IT support.

Dasar-Dasar Dukungan Teknis

Gain a solid foundation in IT support with a focus on computer hardware, internet basics, software installation, and customer service. This module provides an overview of essential IT concepts and skills, including an introduction to binary systems, computer assembly, operating system installation, and troubleshooting methods.

Seluk Beluk Jaringan Komputer

Delve into the intricacies of computer networking, covering topics such as network protocols, TCP/IP communication, troubleshooting techniques, and essential network services like DNS and DHCP. This module also explores cloud computing and practical network problem-solving.

Sistem Operasi dan Anda: Menjadi Pengguna yang Berdaya

Master the essentials of operating systems, including file system navigation, user and software management, disk partitioning, and system process management. This module equips you with the skills to configure and manage both Windows and Linux operating systems, enhancing your capabilities as an IT Support Specialist.

Administrasi Sistem dan Layanan Infrastruktur TI

Transition from single-system management to handling multi-user computer systems and infrastructure services. Learn about cloud infrastructure, server management, directory services, and disaster recovery, preparing you to maintain reliable IT systems for organizations of all sizes.

Keamanan IT: Pertahanan terhadap Kejahatan Digital

Explore the realm of IT security by understanding encryption algorithms, authentication and authorization systems, network security solutions, and layered security architectures. Gain insights into risk evaluation, best practices for securing networks, and integrating a culture of security within organizations.

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