
Soutien des TI de Google


Embark on a journey to kickstart your IT career with Google's IT Support Certificate program. This comprehensive training equips you with essential skills for entry-level IT roles, preparing you to excel in tasks such as computer assembly, wireless networking, software installation, and customer support.

Upon completion of the program, you'll be well-versed in troubleshooting, debugging, and providing end-to-end customer support. Additionally, you'll gain expertise in systems such as Linux, domain name systems, command line interfaces, and binary coding.

Furthermore, this program is approved by the American Council on Education (ACE®), enabling you to earn up to 12 university credits. You'll also be prepared to pursue the CompTIA A+ certification, a standard in the IT industry. With a 75% career success rate reported by graduates, this program offers a direct path to a lucrative career in IT.

  • Develop skills for entry-level IT positions
  • Learn to perform daily support tasks and provide end-to-end customer support
  • Prepare for CompTIA A+ certification
  • Gain up to 12 university credits upon completion

Certificate Available ✔

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Soutien des TI de Google
Course Modules

Gain essential IT skills through five comprehensive modules in Google's IT Support Certificate program. From mastering computer assembly to learning network troubleshooting, this program prepares you for success in entry-level IT roles.

Principes de base du soutien technique

Embark on your IT journey with the "Principes de base du soutien technique" module, providing a solid foundation for a beginner IT specialist role. This course covers various aspects of IT, from hardware and internet to troubleshooting and customer service. You'll learn to understand binary systems, assemble computers from scratch, install operating systems, and gain insights into Internet functionality and application workings.

Les bits et les octets des réseaux informatiques

Delve into the world of computer networks with the "Les bits et les octets des réseaux informatiques" module. Gain a comprehensive understanding of network technologies, protocols, cloud computing, and practical network troubleshooting. Master TCP/IP communication protocols, network services like DNS and DHCP, and cloud computing concepts along with cloud storage.

Les systèmes d’exploitation et vous : devenir un utilisateur expérimenté

Equip yourself with the knowledge of operating systems and become an experienced user through the "Les systèmes d’exploitation et vous : devenir un utilisateur expérimenté" module. Understand the functioning of binary systems, assemble computers, install operating systems, comprehend Internet operations, and explore application workings to enhance your troubleshooting skills.

Administration système et services d’infrastructure informatique

Transition from working on a single computer to managing an entire system with the "Administration système et services d’infrastructure informatique" module. Gain expertise in infrastructure services, cloud configurations, server management, user information management, disaster recovery, and more. Learn to choose the best hardware, services, and infrastructure for an organization, and implement robust security measures.

Sécurité des TI : Défense contre les pratiques sombres du numérique

Explore various security concepts, tools, and best practices in the "Sécurité des TI : Défense contre les pratiques sombres du numérique" module. Understand encryption algorithms, authentication, authorization, and accountability in information security. Learn about network security solutions, Wi-Fi encryption, and comprehensive security architecture. You'll also discover ways to integrate a security culture within your organization or team.

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