
Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch


Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch is a comprehensive course offered by IBM that equips you with the knowledge and practical skills to develop deep learning models using PyTorch. The course begins with an in-depth exploration of PyTorch's tensors and automatic differentiation package. It then progresses through various models, starting with fundamental concepts such as Linear Regression and logistic/softmax regression. The subsequent sections delve into Feedforward deep neural networks, the role of different activation functions, normalization, and dropout layers. Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer learning are also covered, providing a comprehensive understanding of these advanced techniques. Additionally, the course delves into several other deep learning methods, offering a holistic perspective on the field.

Throughout the course, you will learn to demonstrate your comprehension of deep learning algorithms and implement them using PyTorch. You will gain the ability to explain and apply knowledge of Deep Neural Networks and related machine learning methods. Moreover, you will be able to describe how to use Python libraries such as PyTorch for Deep Learning applications and build Deep Neural Networks using PyTorch.

By the end of this course, you will possess the skills to develop and deploy sophisticated deep learning models, making you adept at leveraging the power of PyTorch for various real-world applications.

Certificate Available ✔

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Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch
Course Modules

Delve into PyTorch's tensors and Automatic differentiation, Linear Regression, logistic/softmax regression, Feedforward deep neural networks, activation functions, normalization, dropout layers, Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer learning, and other advanced Deep learning methods in this comprehensive course.

Tensor and Datasets

Deep dive into the basics of PyTorch with an overview of tensors, differentiation, and datasets.

Linear Regression

Explore the concepts of Linear Regression and gain practical experience in prediction, training, loss, and gradient descent.

Linear Regression PyTorch Way

Discover Stochastic Gradient Descent, Mini-Batch Gradient Descent, and how to perform optimization in PyTorch for Linear Regression.

Multiple Input Output Linear Regression

Learn about Multiple Input Output Linear Regression and its prediction and training methods.

Logistic Regression for Classification

Understand Logistic Regression for classification, including prediction, Bernoulli Distribution, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, and Cross Entropy Loss.

Softmax Rergresstion

Delve into Softmax Regression, understanding the Softmax function, using lines to classify data, and implementation in PyTorch.

Shallow Neural Networks

Explore Shallow Neural Networks, including the concepts of hidden neurons, multi-class neural networks, backpropagation, and activation functions.

Deep Networks

Gain expertise in Deep Neural Networks, understanding deeper neural networks, dropout, neural network initialization, gradient descent with momentum, and batch normalization.

Convolutional Neural Network

Master Convolutional Neural Networks with topics such as convolution, activation functions, multiple input and output channels, and the use of GPUs in PyTorch.

Peer Review

Peer Review module.

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