
User Awareness and Education for Generative AI

Coursera Instructor Network

This course aims to empower general users with a friendly and non-technical understanding of Generative AI. It highlights the importance of transparency in AI systems and the need for informed decision-making. Learners will gain insights into the impact of Generative AI in business and entertainment, as well as strategies to enhance user awareness and build trust in AI systems.

  • Exploration of the background and workings of Generative AI
  • Impact of Generative AI in business and entertainment
  • Strategies to enhance user awareness and encourage ongoing education around AI and Generative AI
  • Ways to build user trust in AI systems

This course is designed for employees, managers, or anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge of AI, without specific prerequisites. It encourages active participation and emphasizes the collective responsibility of users in shaping the future of AI.

Certificate Available ✔

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User Awareness and Education for Generative AI
Course Modules

This course provides comprehensive insights into the background, impact, and strategies related to Generative AI, emphasizing user awareness, transparency, and ethical practices.

User Awareness and Education for Generative AI

This module introduces the course and instructor, followed by a brief history of Artificial Intelligence. Learners will gain an understanding of Generative AI, its impact in various sectors, and the importance of transparency and user empowerment in AI interactions. The module also addresses biases, education about AI limitations, and the collective responsibility of users in shaping AI development.

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