
Estrategia de marketing

IE Business School

Discover the vital concepts and tools required to successfully craft a marketing strategy for your business, product, or service with the "Estrategia de marketing" course. Uncover the significance of marketing for your enterprise and gain insights into market research techniques, consumer behavior analysis, and effective segmentation strategies. Delve into the essential components of the marketing mix, including product management, pricing strategies, promotional activities, and distribution channels. Learn to develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan, culminating in a capstone project where you will create a coherent marketing plan for a new product or service.

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Estrategia de marketing
Course Modules

Refine your marketing skills with modules covering market research, consumer behavior, product positioning, marketing mix fundamentals, and marketing plan implementation, culminating in a capstone project.

Investigación de mercados y comportamiento del consumidor

Embark on a journey into market research and consumer behavior, equipping yourself with the essential knowledge to initiate your marketing career. Gain insights into decision-making processes and understand customer-centric approaches to marketing decisions.

Posicionamiento: La base del éxito en la estrategia de marketing

Explore the pivotal role of product or service positioning in developing a successful marketing strategy. Learn the intricacies of defining a clear and relevant positioning, and delve into the market trends and strategies that shape this critical concept.

Fundamentos del marketing mix

Get introduced to the fundamental principles of the marketing mix, focusing on the four Ps: product, price, promotion, and place. Analyze strategic product management, pricing strategies, promotional activities, and distribution channels to strategically plan your marketing efforts.

El plan de marketing

Learn to formulate and implement a comprehensive marketing plan, integrating all the essential components of marketing strategy. Develop a practical understanding of marketing management and apply key concepts to create an effective marketing plan.

Proyecto capstone estrategia de marketing

In the capstone project, apply your acquired knowledge to develop a coherent marketing plan for a new product or service, consolidating all the elements learned throughout the course for real-world application.

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