
Scale Up Your Startup

IE Business School

This specialization, offered by IE Business School, is tailored for startup owners and individuals interested in scaling up their businesses. Throughout the program, learners will gain insights and best practices from scaleup expert Professor Joe Haslam, as well as industry examples and resources.

  • Discover the key elements of a scaleup mindset
  • Evaluate readiness to scale up a business
  • Learn best practices applicable to their own businesses
  • Address concerns of product development at the scaleup stage
  • Discuss considerations in team and personnel growth

The course consists of four modules, each focusing on different aspects of scaling a startup, from understanding the mindset to scaling product, processes, and culture. Learners will gain practical tips and strategies for developing pricing, scaling up marketing and sales operations, establishing corporate governance, and building effective teams.

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Scale Up Your Startup
Course Modules

Scale Up Your Startup consists of four modules: Why Scale a Startup?, Scaling Product and Processes, Building Culture in a Scale Up, and Scale Up Specialization Capstone.

Why Scale a Startup?

You'll explore essential questions to ask before scaling up a startup and receive practical tips and advice to begin the journey from startup to scaleup.

Scaling Product and Processes

This module delves into strategies and frameworks for scaling processes and products, including steps for developing pricing, scaling up marketing and sales operations, and establishing relevant dashboards and metrics.

Building Culture in a Scale Up

Focus on the importance of culture in the company during the scaleup phase, strategies for diversity, effective team building, and the frameworks needed to establish corporate governance and advisory boards.

Scale Up Specialization Capstone

Explore how a company can scale its processes, products, and culture to grow and enter its next phase.

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