
¿Qué hacen los buenos directivos? Prioridades de la Alta Dirección

IESE Business School

This course, offered by IESE Business School, offers a deep dive into the world of high-level executives, examining their day-to-day activities and strategic thinking. With a focus on the priorities that shape their daily actions, the course draws from the experiences of successful directors across various companies. Through a structured vision, it aims to guide future executives in steering their careers, focusing their activities, and developing their unique leadership style.

The comprehensive curriculum covers topics such as the tasks prioritized by a General Director, creating and sharing a vision for the future, constantly adapting the business model, placing people at the center of the organization, and integrating with an institutional strategy.

Through a combination of presentations, readings, and peer-to-peer assessments, participants will gain valuable insights into the world of high-level executives and the strategies that lead to successful business outcomes.

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¿Qué hacen los buenos directivos? Prioridades de la Alta Dirección
Course Modules

This course is structured into six modules that cover topics such as the tasks prioritized by a General Director, creating and sharing a vision for the future, constantly adapting the business model, placing people at the center of the organization, and integrating with an institutional strategy.

Introducción al Curso y Sesión 1: ¿Qué hacen los buenos directivos?

This module introduces the course and explores the tasks of good directors, drawing on classic theories and presenting the research-based model advocated in the course. Participants gain insights into the tasks prioritized by a General Director and the objectives of the course.

Sesión 2: Crear un futuro y compartirlo

Participants explore the creation of a vision for the future and how to communicate it effectively. The module also addresses the challenge of building a vision for the future and sharing it with stakeholders.

Sesión 3: Adecuar constantemente el Modelo de Negocio

Emphasizing the importance of constantly adapting the business model, this module delves into various strategies and the concept of creating and capturing value. It also covers the characteristics of a business model and its role in ensuring long-term competitiveness and survival.

Sesión 4: Las Personas como centro de la organización

This module focuses on placing people at the center of the organization, covering topics such as talent management, achieving results, and the role of human capital in strategy implementation. It emphasizes the critical importance of people in the organization.

Sesión 5: Integrar con una Estrategia Institucional

Participants explore the transition from detailed planning to institutional strategy, delving into principles, values, and institutional purposes. The module also addresses the broader purpose of a company beyond its economic objectives.

Sesión 6: A Modo de Resumen

This module serves as a comprehensive summary, covering the future, business model, people, institutional strategy, and the defining characteristics of good directors. It also includes a case study and a farewell message.

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