
Finanzas corporativas

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Explore the specialized program in Finanzas corporativas offered by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Learn to analyze the economic environment, employ financial mathematical techniques, and assess macroeconomic variables affecting financial management. Develop expertise in investment project evaluation within the context of certainty and low uncertainty.

Key topics covered in this comprehensive program include:

  • Financial management and its role in organizations
  • Financial mathematics, including interest, annuities, and present value
  • Long-term investment evaluation and capital budgeting
  • Capital structure, dividend policy, and cost of capital
  • Business valuation and decision-making in financial scenarios

Upon completion, you will be well-equipped to make informed financial decisions in simulated practical scenarios, integrating the knowledge gained throughout the program.

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Finanzas corporativas
Course Modules

The course modules in Finanzas corporativas cover financial management, mathematical techniques, investment evaluation, capital structure, dividend policy, business valuation, and practical decision-making scenarios.

Administración financiera y su función en la empresa

Discover the importance of financial management in organizations and learn to make sound decisions in the areas of operation, investment, and financing. Gain tools to analyze financial statements, measure organizational performance, budget capital assets, structure capital, and establish dividend policies.

Matemáticas financieras

Explore the relationship between money and time value through financial mathematics. Cover topics such as simple interest, compound interest, annuities, perpetuities, amortizations, present value, and future value to make informed investment and financing decisions.

Evaluación de inversiones en Bienes de Capital

Learn to project financial statements into the future and evaluate long-term investment projects incorporating economic variables. Master the calculation of net present value and internal rate of return for capital investment evaluation.

Estructura de capital y política de dividendos

Analyze how companies finance their assets through internal or external methods, structuring their liabilities and capital. Understand the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and determine dividend policies based on the Modigliani-Miller theorem.

Valuación de empresas

Delve into the process of valuing companies and making informed decisions on expansion, acquisition, or mergers. Evaluate integration strategies and utilize various models such as Black and Scholes, Economic Value Added (EVA), and Operating Economic Generation (GEO).

Toma de decisiones financieras

Integrate the knowledge gained from the previous courses to make investment and financing decisions in a simulated practical case, applying financial theories and techniques in a real-world scenario.

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