
Measuring Disease in Epidemiology

Imperial College London

Epidemiological research is essential for understanding the prevalence and impact of diseases. This comprehensive course provides a foundational understanding of epidemiological measures and their application in studying disease frequency, association, and prevention strategies. Through a series of engaging modules, learners will delve into the calculation and interpretation of measures, the distinction between association and causation, and the evaluation of diagnostic tests and screening programs.

Key learning outcomes include:

  • Calculation and interpretation of disease frequency, association, and attributable risk
  • Understanding sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values in the context of screening
  • Exploration of prevention strategies and the evaluation of diagnostic tests

This course is ideal for individuals seeking to develop a solid foundation in epidemiology and its practical applications. By mastering the fundamental tools of epidemiology, learners can contribute to the advancement of public health and evidence-based decision-making.

Certificate Available ✔

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Measuring Disease in Epidemiology
Course Modules

Measuring Disease in Epidemiology presents a comprehensive exploration of essential epidemiological measures and strategies. From disease frequency to prevention and screening, this course equips learners with the fundamental tools of epidemiology, fostering a deeper understanding of public health.

Measures of disease frequency

Introduction to Epidemiology

This module provides an overview of essential concepts and terminology in epidemiology, laying the foundation for understanding disease frequency and association measures. Learners will gain insight into the fundamental principles guiding epidemiological research and analysis.

Measures of association

Association and Causation

Delve into the complexities of association and causation in epidemiology. This module explores relative and absolute measures of association, equipping learners with the tools to discern the strength of relationships between variables in epidemiological studies.

Attributable risk and strategies for prevention

Attributable Risk and Strategies for Prevention

Explore the concept of attributable risk and its implications for public health strategies. This module delves into population attributable risk and the prevention paradox, providing valuable insights into effective prevention strategies and their impact on disease burden.

Disease detection and screening

Disease Detection and Screening

Uncover the intricacies of disease detection and screening in epidemiology. From sensitivity and specificity to predictive values, this module equips learners with the skills to evaluate diagnostic tests and make informed decisions regarding the implementation of screening programs.

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