
Executive Data Science

Johns Hopkins University

Embark on a transformative journey in the field of data science leadership with the Executive Data Science course. Over four intensive modules, you will gain a deep understanding of leading a data science enterprise, from assembling and managing a proficient team to effectively navigating the data science pipeline. The course is designed for individuals seeking to enter the data science domain without prior experience, providing a crash course in the field and instilling the crucial skills required to function as a leader.

Through this course, you will learn to recruit, evaluate, and develop a team with complementary skill sets and roles, ensuring a cohesive and effective workforce. Gain insight into the structure of the data science pipeline, including the goals of each stage, and acquire the ability to steer your team towards success. Additionally, practical skills will be imparted to help you overcome common challenges that often hinder data science projects, enabling you to lead your team to deliver exceptional results.

  • Become conversant in the field and understand your role as a leader.
  • Recruit, assemble, evaluate, and develop a team with complementary skill sets and roles.
  • Navigate the structure of the data science pipeline and keep your team on target throughout.
  • Overcome the common challenges that frequently derail data science projects.

Certificate Available ✔

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Executive Data Science
Course Modules

Acquire essential knowledge in data science leadership through this course's four intensive modules. From understanding the field to leading a virtual data science team, you will gain the skills to excel in data science management.

A Crash Course in Data Science

Discover the role of data science in various contexts and gain an understanding of how statistics and machine learning impact the field. By learning the key terms used by data scientists, you will be able to predict the success of data science projects.

Building a Data Science Team

Explore the various roles that constitute a data science team and learn effective management techniques for team onboarding. Acquire valuable insights into interviewing data scientists and discover strategies to empower and encourage your data science teams.

Managing Data Analysis

Learn to differentiate between different types of data pulls and understand the basic data analysis iteration. Gain the ability to explore datasets and utilize statistical findings to create compelling data analysis presentations.

Data Science in Real Life

Identify strengths and weaknesses in experimental designs, and discover novel solutions for managing data pulls. Understand common pitfalls in communicating data analyses and gain insights into the typical day in the life of a data analysis manager.

Executive Data Science Capstone

Apply your learning to a real-world scenario through the Executive Data Science Capstone module. Lead a virtual data science team, manage a complex analysis project from start to finish, and prepare and submit a final presentation showcasing your newfound expertise.

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