
Mastering Software Development in R

Johns Hopkins University

Mastering Software Development in R is a comprehensive Specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University. This course covers advanced topics in R programming, data manipulation, and data visualization, providing rigorous training in the R language for building data science tools. The Specialization equips learners with the essential software development skills required to produce and scale data science products in a team-based or community developer environment.

  • Gain fluency in R programming language and its application in software development for data science.
  • Learn to handle complex data, build R packages, and develop custom data visualizations using libraries like tidyverse and ggplot2.
  • Understand modern software development practices to create reusable and modular tools suitable for team-based environments.
  • Acquire the skills for organizing, documenting, and distributing R software packages adhering to community-based standards.
  • Develop the ability to build new visualization techniques and tools to address a wide variety of data types.

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Mastering Software Development in R
Course Modules

The Mastering Software Development in R Specialization comprises five modules covering essential R programming, advanced R programming, building R packages, data visualization tools, and a capstone project.

The R Programming Environment

This course provides a rigorous introduction to the R programming language, with a particular focus on using R for software development in a data science setting. It covers basic R concepts, language fundamentals, and tasks like handling complex and large datasets, and processing textual data. Upon completion, learners will have fluency at the R console and the ability to create tidy datasets from various data sources.

Advanced R Programming

Advanced R Programming covers topics necessary for developing powerful, robust, and reusable data science tools. It includes functional programming, error handling, object-oriented programming, profiling, benchmarking, debugging, and designing functions. Learners will be able to abstract common data analysis tasks and encapsulate them in user-facing functions, as well as define new data types and develop functionality specific to those data types.

Building R Packages

Building R Packages course covers the organization and distribution of R software. It includes R package development, writing documentation and vignettes, writing robust software, cross-platform development, continuous integration tools, and distributing packages via CRAN and GitHub. Learners will produce R packages that meet the criteria for submission to CRAN.

Building Data Visualization Tools

Building Data Visualization Tools provides skills for creating new visualization building blocks using the ggplot2 framework. Learners will be able to build and extend the system to suit specific organizational needs, visualize a wide variety of data types, and address new data types as they emerge.

Mastering Software Development in R Capstone

The Mastering Software Development in R Capstone is the final project of the Specialization, allowing learners to apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout the modules to a real-world data science project.

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