
Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing

Johns Hopkins University

This course, offered by Johns Hopkins University, is designed for experienced contact tracing program leaders aiming to maximize their program's impact. Through in-depth modules, participants will learn to identify and calculate key performance metrics, utilize an interactive decision support tool, and strategize to enhance program effectiveness.

Participants will explore the performance metrics in contact tracing, gain proficiency in using the Contact Tracing Evaluation and Strategic Support Application (ConTESSA), and understand the underlying assumptions used to estimate program impact. The course offers valuable insights to enhance the effectiveness of contact tracing programs in reducing transmission.

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Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Course Modules

This course comprises three modules that cover measuring impact indicators, using an interactive tool for estimation, and strategizing to enhance contact tracing program impact.

Measuring indicators of impact in contact tracing

Welcome to Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing. In this module, participants will delve into the important indicators of performance in contact tracing programs, gain insights into the infectious period, reproductive number, surveillance, and completeness and timing of contact tracing and quarantine.

Interactive tool to estimate impact in contact tracing

Participants will explore the Contact Tracing Evaluation and Strategic Support Application (ConTESSA) in this module. They will learn to utilize the tool to estimate program impact, entering surveillance and isolation data, and understand how to view the dashboard and generate a report to quantify the potential impact of testing and contact tracing strategies on reducing transmission.

Strategies to increase impact of contact tracing and review of underlying assumptions

This module focuses on examining strategies to increase the impact of contact tracing programs. Participants will compare programs using scenarios, understand the underlying assumptions, and explore advanced options to enhance the impact of their contact tracing programs.

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