
Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems

Utrecht University

Join Utrecht University’s comprehensive course on Future Food problems. Delve into the complexities of food consumption and its impact on society. This interdisciplinary journey addresses the dichotomy of food shortage and obesity, offering sustainable solutions and insights into healthy choices.

Key highlights include:

  • Understanding the interrelation of food shortage and healthy choices
  • Exploring sustainable solutions for food production and distribution
  • Insights into healthy food and dietary patterns
  • Analysis of food-related behavior and interventions
  • An interdisciplinary approach to food, applying gained knowledge

Embark on this enlightening journey, gaining knowledge and insights that will empower you to make informed decisions about food consumption and contribute to a sustainable future.

Certificate Available ✔

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Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive journey through Future Food problems. Explore the complexities of food shortage, sustainable solutions, healthy choices, and an interdisciplinary approach, gaining insights to make informed decisions in food consumption.

Introduction Future Food & Food Shortage Part I

Welcome to this course! Delve into the theme of Food Shortage, addressing production limiting factors, vulnerability to famines, and sustainable solutions.

Food Shortage Part II: Sustainable solutions

Explore the sustainable solutions for Food Shortage, understanding the role of genetics in dealing with the environment, disease control in plants and animals, and embracing alternative foods.

Healthy Choices Part I: Food & Health

Gain insights into Healthy Choices, understanding the functionality of foods and dietary patterns, early life nutrition, and the interface of gastrointestinal tract and microbiota.

Healthy Choices Part II: Food-related behavior and interventions

Dive into Food-related behavior and interventions, exploring psychological and economic/environmental determinants of eating habits, and analyzing various interventions aimed at individuals and the environment.

An interdisciplinary approach to food

Conclude with an interdisciplinary approach, applying gained knowledge to address Future Food problems and contributing to sustainable solutions.

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