
Outbreaks and Epidemics

Johns Hopkins University

Outbreaks and Epidemics is a crucial course offered by Johns Hopkins University for aspiring epidemiologists and public health professionals. This comprehensive program delves into the fundamentals of outbreak investigation, pathogen identification, and response strategies. Through a series of modules, participants will learn to ask precise epidemiologic questions, apply relevant tools, and analyze outbreak dynamics. The course encompasses:

  • Identification and investigation of outbreaks
  • Weighing evidence and identifying causes
  • Understanding basic epidemic dynamics, including transmissibility and control implications
  • Real-life case studies of outbreaks, such as Ebola in West Africa and the opioid epidemic in the United States

Participants will gain the skills to calculate measures, discuss outbreaks, and analyze epidemic dynamics effectively. The hands-on approach of the course, including real case studies and projects, ensures practical knowledge application. Whether aspiring to work in public health or seeking to enhance epidemiological skills, this course equips individuals with the expertise to investigate, analyze, and respond to outbreaks and epidemics effectively.

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Outbreaks and Epidemics
Course Modules

The course modules cover essential topics, including outbreak identification, evidence weighing, epidemic dynamics, and real-life case studies, providing comprehensive insights into outbreak investigation and management.

Identifying and Investigating Outbreaks: The Basics

This module introduces the basics of outbreak investigation, covering the identification of cases, describing outbreaks by person, place, and time, and characterizing the causes. Participants will also learn about risk factor studies and intervention reporting, culminating in practical projects focused on identifying and investigating outbreaks.

Weighing Evidence and Identifying Causes

This module delves into the essential skills of weighing evidence and identifying causes, encompassing the transition from general questions to precise hypotheses, identifying comparison groups, and understanding basic measures of association and statistical tests. Participants will gain the expertise to apply these methods effectively in outbreak investigations.

The Terrible Law: Basic Epidemic Dynamics

Understanding the dynamics of epidemics is crucial in outbreak management. This module explores measures of transmissibility, attack rates, reproductive numbers, natural history, and implications for control. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics driving outbreaks and epidemics.

Case Studies in Outbreaks and Epidemics: From Ebola to Overdose

This module presents real-life case studies of outbreaks and epidemics, including the multistate outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium in the United States, Ebola in West Africa, and the opioid epidemic in West Virginia. Through these case studies, participants will gain valuable insights into the practical application of outbreak investigation and management strategies.

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