
Java Database Connectivity


The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) course by LearnQuest offers a comprehensive introduction to working with databases in Java. Through a series of modules, participants will gain practical experience and theoretical knowledge of JDBC, SQL, and Jakarta Persistence (JPA).

Key course topics include:

  • Foundational JDBC concepts and API
  • Utilizing PreparedStatements and Stored Procedures
  • Basic SQL for interaction with Relational Databases
  • Interaction between Java Object Domain Models and Relational Database Tables using Jakarta Persistence (JPA)

Upon completion, participants will be able to demonstrate the mechanics of JDBC, explain its design and intent, and effectively interact with databases in Java applications.

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Java Database Connectivity
Course Modules

The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) course comprises modules covering foundational JDBC concepts, PreparedStatements and Stored Procedures, SQL for interaction with Relational Databases, and Jakarta Persistence (JPA).

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction

The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction module provides hands-on experience with foundational JDBC concepts. Participants will learn about the JDBC API and why it makes working with databases easy for Java Developers. By the end of this module, participants will be able to demonstrate the mechanics of JDBC and explain its design and intent.

Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures

The Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures module builds upon the core principles and techniques of JDBC. It focuses on utilizing PreparedStatements and highlights their advantages over JDBC Statements. Additionally, it introduces the utilization of Stored Procedures on the database server itself to encapsulate complex SQL and PLSQL logic, and how to query the database meta data such as table structures.

Java Data Access - SQL Primer

The Java Data Access - SQL Primer module introduces participants to the basic concepts of SQL for interaction with Relational Databases. It covers basic SQL statements, leveraging table relationships through joins and subqueries, and inserting and updating table rows. This module provides the necessary foundation for progressing to the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Jakarta Persistence (JPA) courses in the Data Access Specialization.

Jakarta Persistence (JPA)

The Jakarta Persistence (JPA) module takes participants through a variety of labs exploring the interaction between Java Object Domain Models and Relational Database Tables. It illustrates how to map domain objects to database tables and class properties to columns for CRUD operations using meta data annotations. Participants will also learn various query strategies to retrieve data from a database and consume the data in their applications with minimal effort.

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