
Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1

University of Maryland, College Park

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Android application development for mobile devices. Throughout the course, you will explore the fundamentals of Android development, including setting up Android Studio, working with Activities, and creating user interfaces. The course is structured to guide you through the process of developing a mobile app from scratch, assuming a basic knowledge of Java. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to create functional and user-friendly Android applications.

Key topics covered in this course include:

  • Overview of the Android Platform and Development Environment
  • Application Fundamentals and the Activity Class
  • Intents, Permissions, and Fragments
  • User Interface Classes
  • Build From Scratch Assignment

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Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1
Course Modules

This course consists of modules that cover the Android platform, application fundamentals, intents and permissions, user interface classes, and a build from scratch assignment. Through a series of engaging learning materials and labs, you will acquire the skills necessary to develop Android applications for mobile devices.

Android Platform and Development Environment

The Android Platform and Development Environment module provides a comprehensive overview of the Android platform and the development environment. You will learn about setting up the Android Development Environment and gain hands-on experience through dedicated lab sessions.

Application Fundamentals and the Activity Class

The Application Fundamentals and the Activity Class module delves into the core concepts of Android application fundamentals and the Activity class. You will also benefit from a guest lecture on app monetization and a preview of related programming mobile services.

Intents, Permissions, and Fragments

The Intents, Permissions, and Fragments module covers essential topics such as the Intent class, permissions, and the Fragment class. Through interactive labs, you will gain practical experience in implementing these concepts.

User Interface Classes

The User Interface Classes module explores various aspects of user interface design for Android applications. You will learn about different user interface classes and their functionalities, culminating in a lab session to practice your skills.

Build From Scratch Assignment

The Build From Scratch Assignment module serves as a practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. You will have the opportunity to apply your learning by developing an Android app from scratch.

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