
Creating Innovation

Macquarie University

The "Creating Innovation" course is a deep dive into the fundamental aspects of innovation and problem-solving. It explores the evolution of human creativity, the emergence of innovation in complex global networks, planned innovation, market-driven innovation, and the crucial role of innovation in the Anthropocene. This course equips learners with the knowledge and methods to foster breakthrough innovations and look at their field in new ways.

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Creating Innovation
Course Modules

The course modules cover the core of innovation, human creativity, global networks, planned innovation, market innovation, and the role of innovation in the Anthropocene, providing in-depth knowledge and methods to foster breakthroughs.

What is Innovation?

The "What is Innovation?" module delves into the core of innovation, exploring its emergence and roots in various fields such as cosmic, chemical, biological, and neurological innovation. Learners will also gain insights into the assessment overview for Course 3: Creating Innovation.

The Evolution of Human Creativity

The "Evolution of Human Creativity" module explores collective learning, the power of language, and the evolution of innovation from the Palaeolithic era to the present. It provides a comprehensive understanding of human creativity and its impact on innovation.

Innovation in a Complex Global Network

The "Innovation in a Complex Global Network" module investigates the role of networks in innovation, the impact of Afro-Eurasian networks, and the diffusion of innovation in a global system. It provides insights into how innovations emerge from complex global networks.

Planning Innovation

The "Planning Innovation" module delves into the planning and failure of innovation in the ancient world, institutional power, and the success of planned innovation. Learners will gain an understanding of research, institutional power, and top-down innovation.

Market Innovation

The "Market Innovation" module explores economic theories of innovation, the psychology of innovation, and the impact of market forces on innovation. It provides insights into financing innovation, patents, and the dynamics of market-driven innovation.

Innovation in the Anthropocene

The "Innovation in the Anthropocene" module examines the relationship between the Anthropocene and innovation, the great acceleration, and the future of innovation in markets and science. It equips learners with the knowledge to address future challenges through innovation.

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