
The Search for Great Ideas: Harnessing creativity to empower innovation.

Michigan State University

Unleash your potential for great business ideas in "The Search for Great Ideas: Harnessing creativity to empower innovation" course offered by Michigan State University. This course delves into the origins of business concepts and provides the tools and techniques for idea generation and evaluation.

Throughout the course, learners will build a resource inventory to assess and create market opportunities, pursue market opportunities aligned with personal passions and capabilities, and prioritize ideas with the greatest potential for commercial and personal success.

  • Explore observational tools and techniques for idea generation
  • Evaluate good ideas from bad and settle on a business idea with real market application
  • Build a resource inventory to assess and create market opportunities
  • Pursue market opportunities consistent with personal passions and capabilities
  • Triage potential ideas in terms of commercial and personal success

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The Search for Great Ideas: Harnessing creativity to empower innovation.
Course Modules

Discover the power of ideation, design thinking methodology, and customer discovery in "The Search for Great Ideas" course. Learn to harness your creativity and turn your business concepts into market opportunities.

Ideation: Tools for ideation.

Unleash your creativity with tools for ideation. This module provides an introduction to ideation, explores the power of observation, and emphasizes the importance of play. Engage in observational and play exercises to stimulate idea generation.

Ideation: Intro to Design Thinking Methodology

Explore the design thinking methodology in this module. Learn about inspiration, ideation, and implementation, and understand the concept of 'how might we...?' Engage in brainstorming exercises and create a minimally viable product to bring your ideas to life.

Ideation: Intro to Customer Discovery

Delve into the world of customer discovery in this module. Understand the importance of customer discovery, create a discovery plan, and engage in exercises to identify and validate market opportunities through customer interaction.

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