
Designing Engaging Dashboards for Healthcare Analytics

Northeastern University

Designing Engaging Dashboards for Healthcare Analytics introduces processes and design principles for creating meaningful displays of information that support effective business decision-making. The course explores data collection and processing, creating visualizations, and using them to provide insight into a problem, situation, or opportunity.

Students will learn how to critique visualizations and answer the question of what makes a visualization effective. The challenges of making data understandable across different audiences will be discussed, along with ethical uses of information displays, storytelling, and good use of data dashboards.

  • Process and design principles for creating meaningful displays of information
  • Data collection, processing, and visualization creation
  • Critiquing visualizations and making data understandable
  • Ethical uses of information displays and effective data storytelling

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Designing Engaging Dashboards for Healthcare Analytics
Course Modules

Designing Engaging Dashboards for Healthcare Analytics covers various modules. Students will learn about "Client-Ready" Visuals, Refining Execution of Visualizations, Presenting Information, and Dashboards. The course delves into creating effective information displays and data storytelling.

"Client-Ready" Visuals

Module 1, "Client-Ready" Visuals, introduces students to the process of creating effective visual displays of information. They will learn about different types of charts, the fundamentals of communication required for effective data storytelling, and critique visualizations.

Refining Execution of Visualizations

Module 2, Refining Execution of Visualizations, focuses on preparing and refining client-ready data visualizations. Students will investigate data, refine execution, and work on projects to enhance their skills in creating meaningful visual displays.

Presenting Information

Module 3, Presenting Information, delves into presenting data using the McCandless Method and presenting numbers with impact. Students will work on projects and peer reviews to gain practical experience in presenting information effectively.


Module 4, Dashboards, covers the basics of dashboards and the rules for designing effective dashboards. Students will work on projects to apply their learning and engage in discussions to enhance their understanding of dashboard design.

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