
Fashion Retail Transformation

Parsons School of Design, The New School

In Fashion Retail Transformation, Parsons School of Design and industry experts dissect the changing landscape of fashion retail. The comprehensive course explores the fusion of retail and entertainment, omnichannel client relationships, disruptive retail innovations, e-commerce strategies, and the impact of the post-COVID consumer on the fashion business.

  • Explore the fusion of retail and entertainment
  • Examine disruptive retail innovations
  • Analyze e-commerce strategies and direct-to-consumer marketplace
  • Consider the post-COVID consumer and its impact on the fashion business

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Fashion Retail Transformation
Course Modules

Fashion Retail Transformation comprises four modules that cover experiential retail strategies, omnichannel business models, e-commerce, and post-pandemic fashion distribution strategies.

Fashion Retail Transformation

Module 1 delves into customer-facing operations and strategies, including the development of retail experience plans, merchandise planning, and crisis management. It also provides opportunities for reflective writing, quizzes, and networking with classmates.

Retail Operational Planning for Future Business Models

Module 2 focuses on retail operational planning for future business models, covering retail operations planning, omnichannel customer journey, innovations in retail, and practical exercises like readings, reflective writing, and quizzes.

Fashion E-Commerce

Module 3 explores fashion e-commerce, addressing direct-to-consumer best practices, traffic generation, supply chain management, payment technologies, and balancing e-commerce innovations with profitability. It involves readings, reflective writing, quizzes, and an e-commerce exercise.

Fashion Distrbution Strategy for the Post-Pandemic Era

Module 4 examines fashion distribution strategies for the post-pandemic era, emphasizing the digital transformation, remote clienteling, omnichannel processes, customer journey mapping, and the future of the fashion industry. It includes readings, reflective writing, quizzes, and a detailed retail service analysis.

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