
Market Research

Queen Mary University of London

The Market Research Specialisation by Queen Mary University of London equips learners with essential skills in market research, focusing on research processes, proposal development, and data analysis.

  • Learn to formulate research questions and objectives
  • Understand different research methodologies and sampling approaches
  • Develop measurement instruments and hypotheses
  • Gain insights into data analysis and interpretation techniques

This Specialisation is ideal for market research analysts, social media strategists, marketing and product managers, and market researchers seeking to expand their knowledge in market research essentials and the research process.

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Market Research
Course Modules

This Specialisation comprises four modules that cover the essentials of market research, research methodologies, development of research instruments, and data analysis and interpretation techniques.

Introduction to Market Research

Introduction to Market Research module delves into the essentials of market research, focusing on the research process, research questions, objectives, and proposal development.

Research Methodologies

The Research Methodologies module explores different research methodologies, sampling approaches, and primary and secondary data collection techniques.

Research Instruments and Research Hypotheses

Research Instruments and Research Hypotheses module helps learners develop instrument design strategies, design and use research instruments, and understand basic data analysis approaches.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The Analysis and Interpretation of Data module familiarizes learners with data analysis and interpretation using qualitative and quantitative approaches.

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