
Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial

Sciences Po

Delve into the intricate dynamics of global migration in the course Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial offered by Sciences Po. This comprehensive program, taught by Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, a distinguished researcher and academic, provides a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of international migration.

The course navigates through the historical, societal, and political dimensions of global migration, shedding light on the diverse factors influencing migratory patterns. It examines the regionalization of migration flows, the relationship between migration and development, and the evolving nature of citizenship in the context of migration.

Participants will gain insights into the challenges posed by refugee movements, environmental displacement, and the complex dynamics of migration in Europe. The course critically analyzes the construction and impact of borders, exploring the evolving governance of global migration and the fundamental right to mobility.

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Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial
Course Modules

Discover the intricacies of global migration through seven comprehensive modules in Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial. Gain in-depth insights into the historical, social, and political dimensions of international migration.

Séance 1 : Mondialisation des migrations

Embark on an exploration of the global landscape of migration, examining the factors driving migratory patterns and the evolving dynamics of international mobility. Gain insights into the complex relationships between migration and global development.

Séance 2 : Réfugiés et déplacés environnementaux

Delve into the complexities of refugee movements and the emerging challenges posed by environmental displacement. Explore the historical and contemporary dimensions of asylum and the multifaceted nature of state responses to refugee influxes.

Séance 3 : L’Europe

Uncover the intricate dynamics of migration within the European context, analyzing the continent's historical immigration trends, the complexities of the Mediterranean as a migration hotspot, and the evolving European border control mechanisms.

Séance 4 : France et flux migratoires internationaux

Gain a comprehensive understanding of France's historical and contemporary role as a hub for international migration. Explore the complex sociopolitical dynamics of immigration, identity, and multiculturalism within the French context.

Séance 5 : Citoyenneté et migrations

Examine the evolving nature of citizenship in the context of migration, addressing the interplay between nationality, transnational citizenship, multiculturalism, and the impact of migration on civil rights and societal dynamics.

Séance 6 : Frontières

Explore the construction and impact of borders within the global context, analyzing the evolving nature of frontiers, the challenges of border control, and the complexities of border-related tensions and dynamics.

Séance 7 : Droit à la mobilité et gouvernance globale

Delve into the evolving governance of global migration, exploring the emergence of multilateralism, the fundamental right to mobility, and the role of international organizations and civil society in shaping migration policies.


Access a curated bibliography to further enrich your understanding of global migration dynamics and scholarly perspectives on international mobility.

Ressources cartographiques

Explore a range of cartographic resources to enhance your understanding of global migration patterns, regional dynamics, and the geographical complexities of international mobility.

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