

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of entrepreneurship with the "Entrepreneurship" course offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This comprehensive program delves deep into the art of turning problems into opportunities and leveraging limited resources to achieve ambitious goals.

Throughout the course, participants will explore the fundamental concepts, theories, and frameworks of entrepreneurship, with a specific focus on the dynamic landscape of the Chinese market. Through engaging cases, insightful articles, and experiential learning, learners will gain a solid understanding of how to identify and evaluate opportunities, interpret financial models crucial for high-growth ventures, and practice living life as an entrepreneurial leader.

  • Gain expertise in opportunity identification and evaluation
  • Learn to interpret, analyze, and build financial models for high-growth ventures
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities specific to the Chinese market
  • Practice living life as an entrepreneurial leader
  • Create and develop innovative products or services tailored for the Chinese market

This course is an invaluable opportunity to immerse oneself in the world of entrepreneurship, gain essential skills, and harness the potential of the burgeoning Chinese market.

Certificate Available ✔

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Course Modules

The course modules cover essential topics such as the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity, market validation, business plan development, and startup financing. Participants will gain insights from industry experts and engage in quizzes and supplementary interviews to enhance their learning experience.

Module 0: Course Preliminaries

Welcome to Doing Business in China! This module sets the stage for learners to understand the entrepreneurial landscape in China and provides essential preliminary information to kickstart their journey.

  • Explore the China market and its potential for entrepreneurs
  • Gain insights from expert interviews
  • Understand the copyright and eLearning guidance at CUHK

Module 1: What Is Entrepreneurship?

Dive into the core concepts of entrepreneurship with a focus on differentiating corporate ventures from startups, understanding the challenges and motivations for entrepreneurs, and gaining insights into the specific challenges faced by entrepreneurs in China.

  • Understand the differences between corporate and startup ventures
  • Explore the motivations and challenges for entrepreneurs
  • Gain insights from industry experts on their entrepreneurial journey
  • Engage in a quiz to test understanding of intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship

Module 2a. Innovation And Creativity

Explore the critical aspects of innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship, including disruptive business models, opportunity identification, and insights from industry experts on fostering creativity and innovation.

  • Gain insights into fostering creativity and innovation
  • Understand disruptive business models and opportunity identification

Module 2b. Market Validation

Dive into market validation, understanding the market size, prioritizing ideas, and validating business positioning before product launch. Gain insights from industry experts on capturing opportunities and market positioning.

  • Understand market sizing and idea prioritization
  • Learn to validate business positioning before product launch
  • Engage in a quiz to test understanding of market positioning

Module 3. Business Plan

Delve into the essentials of creating a comprehensive business plan, including setting objectives, choosing the right format, and understanding the elements to include. Gain insights from industry experts on crafting effective business models and plans.

  • Understand the essentials of a comprehensive business plan
  • Gain insights into crafting effective business models and plans
  • Engage in activities to apply the Business Model Canvas

Module 4. Startup Financing

Explore the intricacies of startup financing, understanding the stages of fundraising, investor perspectives, valuation, and financial analysis from the investor's viewpoint. Gain insights from industry experts on navigating the complexities of securing startup funding.

  • Understand the stages of fundraising and investor perspectives
  • Gain insights into startup valuation and investor incentives
  • Engage in activities to enhance business presentation skills

Supplementary Materials

Access supplementary materials including full-length interviews with industry experts to gain deeper insights into entrepreneurship and the Chinese market.

  • Gain in-depth knowledge from full-length interviews with industry experts
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