
Developing a Systems Mindset

University of Colorado Boulder

A Systems Mindset course offers foundational knowledge to professionals in various fields, such as policy making, real estate development, consulting, and engineering. The curriculum emphasizes the development of a problem-solving mindset and the ability to engage with stakeholders effectively.

  • Learn the importance of listening and valuing community and stakeholder input
  • Understand scaled systems, nested hierarchies, and the interactions between social and environmental systems
  • Develop practical skills to build rapport and trust with communities
  • Explore the operationalization of systems thinking and project management
  • Gain insights into understanding communities, place-based interests, and stakeholder engagement

By the end of the course, students will have the foundational knowledge and practical skills to approach complex problems with a systems mindset and effectively engage with communities and stakeholders.

Certificate Available ✔

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Developing a Systems Mindset
Course Modules

This course is divided into three modules. Module 1 introduces systems thinking, Module 2 covers operationalizing systems thinking, and Module 3 focuses on understanding communities and stakeholder engagement.

Introduction to Systems

The first module, "Introduction to Systems," sets the foundation for understanding systems thinking and scale, emphasizing the importance of consulting as more than just giving advice. Students will learn to apply a systems mindset and assess their progress.

Operationalize Systems Thinking

Module 2, "Operationalize Systems Thinking," delves into the practical aspects of operationalizing systems thinking, including addressing bias, project management, and effective communication. Students will also explore the value proposition and project proposal development.

Understanding a Community

Module 3, "Understanding a Community," focuses on understanding communities, observing and inquiring within a framework, and engaging stakeholders. Students will develop project scopes, team contracts, and communication plans, along with exploring case studies and further reading.

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