
Exploring Our Responses to Climate Change

University of Colorado Boulder

In this specialization offered by University of Colorado Boulder, learners will gain essential knowledge about climate change and its impacts. The course focuses on understanding the scientific consensus on human causes of climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and preparing for impacts. Learners will also explore the Fourth US National Climate Assessment to empower themselves to formulate plans for reducing emissions and adapting to future impacts.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify, discuss, and critique climate policies, recognize activities that emit or capture greenhouse gases, identify climate risks, and serve as a resource for others on climate issues in their community or workplace. The course is designed to build climate literacy and enable learners to apply their knowledge effectively.

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Exploring Our Responses to Climate Change
Course Modules

This course covers three modules that delve into understanding climate change, managing climate change, and planning with climate change in mind.

What is Climate Change?

Module 1: This module focuses on understanding the major components of the climate system, the role of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions as drivers of global climate change, and the primary physical and ecological impacts of climate change. Participants will also learn about the unique process by which scientific information is produced.

How Do We Manage Climate Change?

Module 2: This module delves into explaining the overall goals of mitigation and adaptation policies, describing the primary sources and recent trends in greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, and providing examples of mitigation policies and adaptation efforts. Participants will also gain an understanding of the concept of climate risk and its components.

Planning with Climate Change in Mind

Module 3: In this module, learners will navigate the National Climate Assessment as a resource for information about impacts and adaptation, describe how place and context relate to climate risk and potential mitigation and adaptation choices, and identify opportunities for communities, governments, and businesses to manage climate risks. The module also covers the challenges and competing interests that make climate change a difficult issue to address.

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