
M2M & IoT Interface Design & Protocols for Embedded Systems

University of Colorado Boulder

This comprehensive course delves into M2M and IoT Interface Design and Protocols for Embedded Systems. It provides an in-depth exploration of connecting devices to the cloud and designing prototypes and systems to transmit data from devices to consumers.

Key topics covered include:

  • Importance of M2M and IoT in modern development
  • Cloud support for IoT devices and systems
  • Application of microservice architecture to IoT systems
  • Introduction to M2M and IoT concepts
  • Utilizing AWS for IoT systems
  • Review of communication protocols at every level of connected devices
  • IoT design concerns such as security, message queuing, and APIs

This course is ideal for individuals interested in developing embedded devices for IoT applications and offers practical projects to apply software development methods using AWS, Python, and optionally Node.JS.

Certificate Available ✔

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M2M & IoT Interface Design & Protocols for Embedded Systems
Course Modules

The course modules cover a wide range of topics including Introduction to M2M & IoT, Cloud for IoT, Communications Protocols, and Other Cloud and IoT Elements, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of embedded systems design and IoT applications.

Introduction to M2M & IoT

This module provides an introduction to M2M and IoT, including an overview of cloud architectures for embedded systems and an introduction to the course project focusing on AWS IoT interfaces.

Cloud for IoT

Explore IoT application protocols, cloud support for IoT and embedded devices, and delve into Amazon Web Services elements and frameworks for IoT systems. The module also includes a practical session on establishing a simple AWS IoT connection.

Communications Protocols

Delve into low-level embedded interface protocols, M2M wired and wireless protocols, and low-power WANs for IoT, followed by an extended session on establishing AWS IoT connections.

Other Cloud and IoT Elements

Learn about alternatives to AWS, IoT security, message queuing approaches and tools, and the use and design of APIs and microservices in IoT systems. The module also involves reviewing projects 1 and 2 for hands-on learning.

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