
Strategic Product Development

University of Colorado Boulder

Strategic Product Development delves into the essential elements of creating new, customer-desired products while ensuring financial success. This comprehensive course equips learners with the knowledge to define product strategies, explore different product development processes, and apply portfolio management techniques. Additionally, it emphasizes the tools necessary to build high-performance teams essential for successful product launches.

  • Define product strategies for long-term growth
  • Explore various product development processes including Stage-Gate and Lean/Agile techniques
  • Apply portfolio management techniques to optimize multiple product development efforts
  • Learn how to build high-performance teams for successful product launches

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Strategic Product Development
Course Modules

Strategic Product Development comprises five modules that cover crucial aspects of successful product development, from ideation to product launch. Learners will explore topics such as product strategies, innovation, portfolio management, and high-performance team building.

Course Overview & Mechanics, What Makes a Great Product

The course begins with an overview of what makes a great product and delves into the ideation process, challenging learners to apply their knowledge to real-world projects.

Innovation and Corporate Strategy

Learners explore innovation and corporate strategy, understanding the intricacies of mission, vision, and values statements, business strategies, and different types of product innovation.

Product and Technology Innovation, Roadmaps and Portfolio Management

This module focuses on product and technology innovation, roadmaps, and portfolio management, providing insights into the innovation strategy, portfolio management process, and managing technology development projects.

Identifying Product Opportunities

Module 4 delves into identifying product opportunities, covering the development of new products, and provides learners with an overview of what is to come in their projects.

PD Processes, Teams and Culture

Finally, learners explore product development processes, high-performance team building, and creating a culture of innovation, understanding the agile stage-gate product development process and the importance of diversity in innovation.

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