
Personal Journeys: Identity, Motivation, and Resilience

University of Colorado System

Embark on a transformative journey through the Personal Journeys: Identity, Motivation, and Resilience specialization. This three-course program delves deep into the complexities of self-discovery, motivation, and resilience, drawing from the cultural and intellectual legacy of the Renaissance and embracing diverse global perspectives.

Discover the origins of selfhood, from historical and philosophical perspectives to the impact of digital complexities on identity formation. Uncover the essence of self-motivation and its role in shaping personal success, blending the richness of the Renaissance with contemporary psychology. Explore the challenges of self and society, dissecting the dynamic force of resilience and its transformative impact on individuals and communities.

This interdisciplinary program offers a holistic exploration of identity, equipping learners with critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, and a resilient outlook. It's a gateway to personal and professional growth, empowering individuals to navigate an ever-evolving world with confidence and a broadened perspective.

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Personal Journeys: Identity, Motivation, and Resilience
Course Modules

Embark on an immersive journey through three thought-provoking courses that delve into the origins of selfhood, the essence of self-motivation, and the challenges of self and society.

Exploring the Origins of Selfhood

This course invites learners to unravel the intricate tapestry of selfhood and identity across different periods and contexts. It fosters critical thinking skills, enhances self-awareness, and provides a holistic exploration of identity in the modern world.

  • Delve into historical and philosophical perspectives
  • Analyze the impact of psychological and social influences on identity formation
  • Investigate the complex relationship between technology, self-perception, and the management of digital identities
  • Explore the interplay of globalization with cultural identity and the significance of cultural heritage

How Self-Motivation Shapes Personal Success

This immersive learning experience delves into the essence of self-motivation and its pivotal role in sculpting personal triumph. It offers a profound understanding of the drivers behind personal achievements, nurturing a Global Renaissance Mindset characterized by curiosity, creativity, and a broadened perspective.

  • Discover the balance between intrinsic aspirations and extrinsic rewards
  • Cultivate a resilient growth mindset and elevate emotional intelligence
  • Engage in practices of mindfulness and self-reflection
  • Learn to navigate risk-taking and failure, transforming them into stepping stones for innovation and success

Overcoming Challenges in Self and Society

This course delves into the heart of human endurance and societal fortitude, cultivating a nuanced understanding of resilience as a dynamic force. It fuses elements of psychology, sociology, spirituality, and ecology, guiding learners through historical, psychological, spiritual, and global perspectives of resilience.

  • Engage with diverse narratives and examine the resilience of notable figures and civilizations
  • Dissect concepts like grit and growth mindset in personal development and societal progress
  • Draw on Renaissance humanism and ancient wisdom to foster personal growth
  • Explore how resilience manifests and adapts in the face of technological evolution and global interconnectedness
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