
Violence Against Healthcare

University of Geneva

Violence Against Healthcare is a crucial course offered by the University of Geneva, delving into the impact of violence on health care globally. It presents practical measures, ethical principles, legal frameworks, and community involvement in addressing and reducing violence against health care.

  • Explores practical measures and recommendations for policy-makers, humanitarian organizations, and health professionals.
  • Covers topics including ethical principles, international law, human rights, and community roles in addressing violence against health care.
  • Addresses the challenges faced by health-care personnel, ambulance and prehospital services, hospital managers, military operational practice, and civil society members.

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Violence Against Healthcare
Course Modules

The course modules cover practical measures, ethical principles, legal frameworks, and community roles in reducing violence against health care, providing comprehensive insights into addressing this critical issue.

General Introduction

Violence Against Healthcare course commences with a general introduction, emphasizing the importance of addressing violence against health care. It provides a comprehensive syllabus, key terms, and acknowledgments, setting the stage for the subsequent modules.

Module 1: Health-care personnel: ethical principles of health care in times of armed conflict and other emergencies

Module 1 focuses on the ethical principles of health care in times of armed conflict and other emergencies. It delves into the challenges faced by health-care personnel and the ethical issues surrounding health care, offering insights from various perspectives and practical strategies.

Module 2: The legal framework on the protection of health-care delivery

Module 2 explores the legal framework on the protection of health-care delivery, addressing the scope of application of relevant legal frameworks, sources of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and real-life case studies to highlight challenges and obligations.

Module 3: Ambulance and prehospital services in risk situations

Module 3 delves into the challenges and solutions related to ambulance and prehospital services in risk situations. It provides real-life examples and practical insights into addressing aggression, challenges, consequences, and operational dilemmas encountered in high-risk zones.

Module 4: Hospital managers: ensuring the preparedness and security of health-care facilities in armed conflict and other emergencies

Module 4 focuses on hospital managers and their role in ensuring the preparedness and security of health-care facilities in armed conflict and other emergencies. It covers various aspects, including the well-being of health-care personnel, infrastructure, and risk analysis.

Module 5 Weapons bearers: military operational practice to ensure safer access to and delivery of health care

Module 5 explores military operational practice to ensure safer access to and delivery of health care. It discusses practical measures, targeting of health-care facilities, and the role of non-state armed groups, offering valuable insights into protecting health care in conflict zones.

Module 6: Members of the civil society: communities, National Societies, Religious Leaders, Health organizations and others

Module 6 addresses the role of civil society members, including communities, National Societies, religious leaders, and health organizations, in advocating for the respect and protection of health care. It provides real-life examples and practical strategies for community involvement.

Global Summary Violence against Health Care

The course concludes with a global summary, emphasizing the importance of connecting individuals to end violence and build resilience, influencing behavior change to safeguard health care in conflict and emergency situations.

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