
Global Trends for Business and Society

University of Pennsylvania

In this thought-provoking course, you’ll explore the far-reaching effects of global trends on consumer and labor markets, financial systems, and geopolitical relationships. Professor Mauro Guillen, from the renowned Wharton School, presents a comprehensive analysis of the magnitude of these influences on the business world and society. Through an array of real-world case studies, both historical and contemporary, you’ll gain invaluable insights into how changes within one society can reverberate globally.

By the course's conclusion, you’ll possess the analytical skills and knowledge necessary to identify, assess, and adapt to global changes as they impact your business and society. This course is a must for professionals and individuals seeking to understand, anticipate, and navigate the complexities of our interconnected global landscape.

  • Analyze rapidly changing global trends
  • Understand effects on consumer and labor markets, financial systems, and geopolitical relationships
  • Examine real-world case studies
  • Gain tools to identify and adapt to global changes

Certificate Available ✔

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Global Trends for Business and Society
Course Modules

Explore the impact of global trends on people, markets, money, economic imbalances, and the geopolitical landscape through four engaging modules, each offering valuable insights into the interconnected nature of our world.

Module 1: People and Markets Around the World

Module 1 delves into the global shifts in demographics and their profound impact on consumer and labor markets. Through engaging lectures and quizzes, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the changing dynamics of the world population and its implications for businesses and societies worldwide.

Module 2: Money Around the World

Module 2 offers a comprehensive exploration of the global financial landscape, focusing on poverty, inequality, and the rise of the middle class. By examining the causes and consequences of these trends, you’ll develop a nuanced understanding of the economic disparities shaping our world.

Module 3: Global Economic and Financial Imbalances

Module 3 provides a detailed analysis of global economic and financial imbalances. You’ll explore the changing geography of capital investments, trade blocs, and the complexities of the Euro Zone, gaining valuable insights into the intricate web of global economic interdependence.

Module 4: The Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

In Module 4, you’ll delve into the intricate web of the geopolitical landscape, examining political regimes, global powers, and the role of China. By the module’s conclusion, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical forces shaping our interconnected world.

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