
Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification

University of Glasgow

This course delves into the complex phenomenon of gentrification and its profound cultural ramifications. Through theoretical and conceptual lenses, students will explore international case studies, examining the multifaceted impacts of gentrification on neighborhoods and communities.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of gentrification and its cultural implications
  • Explore theoretical explanations and critical questions regarding winners and losers in the gentrification process
  • Analyze international case studies to comprehend the diverse manifestations of gentrification
  • Investigate the social and spatial changes within neighborhoods and critically assess the future implications

This course equips learners with the knowledge and skills to understand the intricate dynamics of gentrification and its cultural impact, inspiring critical thinking about the future of neighborhoods.

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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification
Course Modules

This course comprises comprehensive modules that cover topics such as the theoretical foundations of gentrification, cultural aspects, research methodologies, and insights from experts. Students will explore case studies and critical perspectives to gain a holistic understanding of the subject.

An introduction to gentrification

An introduction to gentrification is presented, offering a foundational understanding of the term and its historical development. Students will critically analyze the definitions and implications of gentrification, exploring its cultural manifestations and impact on neighborhoods and communities.

Gentrification deconstructed

Module 2 deconstructs gentrification, delving into cultural aspects, racial segregation, and displacement. Students will explore the influence of consumption, consumer culture, and aesthetics, as well as the social justice implications of gentrification. The module also examines case studies through film, TV, and research methodologies.

How do you research gentrification?

This module focuses on research methodologies related to gentrification, featuring insights from guest speakers and their research interests. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of race, class, and technology in the context of gentrification, as well as the motivations behind case study selections and key research priorities.

Back home

The final module reflects on the course learnings and offers advice from experts. It also features a virtual field trip and explores alternatives to gentrification, including resistance strategies and anti-gentrification initiatives. Students will engage in critical reflections and present their field trip findings.

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