
Managerial Economics and Business Analysis

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

In the fast-paced business world, the Managerial Economics and Business Analysis specialization equips learners with a deep understanding of competitive advantage, business cycle impact, and data-driven business strategies. This comprehensive program covers microeconomics, macroeconomics, monetary policy, statistical analysis, and business decision-making.

The course delves into consumer and producer behavior, market structures, government interventions, statistical data analysis, and predictive modeling. Through practical applications using Excel and diverse data sets, participants gain proficiency in summarizing, interpreting, and making inferences from data to drive informed business decisions.

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Managerial Economics and Business Analysis
Course Modules

The course modules cover essential topics such as consumer and producer behavior, market structures, statistical analysis, and financial institutions. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of firm-level and country-level economics, financial institutions, and statistical data analysis for strategic decision-making.

Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior

All goods and services are subject to scarcity at some level, and this module explores the allocation of scarce resources and consumer and producer decision-making. It encompasses understanding demand and supply curves, equilibrium, elasticity of demand, and cost theory. Participants will also gain insights into the impact of taxes and price controls on market equilibrium.

Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations

This module focuses on market structures, government interventions, and market efficiency, providing a deeper understanding of external shocks, regulatory authority, and market failures. Participants will learn to analyze different market structures and evaluate the impacts of government intervention on market inefficiencies.

Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making

Participants will learn to summarize data, utilize statistical concepts, and understand the significance of proper sampling. The course emphasizes the application of methodologies through Excel and data sets from various disciplines, enabling participants to interpret and understand the results obtained.

Inferential and Predictive Statistics for Business

This module equips participants with statistical ideas applicable to managers, emphasizing variations, modeling, and decision-making in the presence of uncertainties. The focus is on interpreting the meaning of results obtained through the application of statistical methodologies using Excel and diverse data sets.

Banking and Financial Institutions

Exploring the connections between money, the financial system, and the broader macroeconomy, this module provides an understanding of modern financial institutions, their organization, products, risks, and regulations. Participants will assess the influences of recent financial regulations and innovations in finance on the macroeconomic, financial, and business environment.

Central Banks and Monetary Policy

This module offers insights into central bank policies and their impacts on financial markets and the economy. Participants will gain an understanding of the macroeconomic relationships between interest rates, inflation, and unemployment, enabling them to assess central bank actions and their effects on the economy.

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