
Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This comprehensive course delves into the U.S. federal income taxation of corporations and their shareholders, concentrating on the relevant provisions of Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code. Through a series of in-depth modules, learners will gain insights into corporate formation, operations, distributions, and liquidation, facilitated by practical in-class study problems. The course also focuses on the development of a variety of professional skills and attitudes, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Key features of the course include:

  • An introduction to the U.S. federal income taxation of corporations and shareholders
  • Focused exploration of Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, and judicial opinions
  • Practical in-class study problems for self-discovery of technical tax knowledge
  • Development of professional skills and attitudes

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Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations
Course Modules

Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations covers a range of modules, providing a comprehensive overview of U.S. federal income taxation of corporations and their shareholders. From the course orientation to corporate reorganizations, each module delves into specific aspects of corporate taxation, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

Course Orientation

The course orientation provides a comprehensive overview, offering insights into the structure and content of the program. Learners will gain an understanding of the course's objectives, expectations, and methods of assessment. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to connect with classmates and build a learning community through social media.

Module 1: Overview of Business Taxation

Module 1 delves into the origins of taxation, sources of tax law, and the hierarchy of tax law sources. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of fundamental features, strategic form choice, and tax entity classification. The module concludes with a knowledge check and an overview quiz.

Module 2: Corporate Income Taxation

Module 2 focuses on corporate income taxation, providing insights into income tax formulas, dividends received deduction, organizational expenditures deduction, and regular corporate income tax liability. Learners will also explore topics such as corporate alternative minimum tax, penalty taxes on corporate accumulations, and compliance procedures, concluding with a comprehensive quiz.

Module 3: Corporate Formation I

Module 3 delves into corporate formation, covering acquisition and disposition, recognition, character, recapture, and non-recognition provisions. Learners will also explore basis determination, built-in loss property, treatment of "boot," and conclude with a quiz to test their knowledge.

Module 4: Corporate Formation II

Module 4 provides a detailed exploration of corporate formation, including concepts and applications related to assumption of liabilities, property and services, capital contributions, debt versus equity, investor losses, and small business stock. The module concludes with a comprehensive quiz to reinforce learning.

Module 5: Corporate Non-Liquidating Distributions

Module 5 focuses on corporate non-liquidating distributions, covering concepts and applications of earnings & profits, cash distributions, property distributions, stock distributions, constructive distributions, and qualified dividends. The module concludes with a detailed quiz to assess learners' understanding.

Module 6: Corporate Redemptions and Partial Liquidations

Module 6 delves into corporate redemptions and partial liquidations, offering insights into stock attribution rules, qualifying stock redemptions, and corporate tax effects. Learners will explore various concepts and applications, concluding with a comprehensive quiz to test their knowledge.

Module 7: Corporate Liquidations

Module 7 provides a detailed exploration of corporate liquidations, covering corporate tax effects, anti-stuffing rules, shareholder tax effects, and parent and subsidiary tax effects. The module concludes with a comprehensive quiz to assess learners' understanding.

Module 8: Corporate Reorganizations

Module 8 offers insights into corporate reorganizations, including general requirements and tax consequences related to various types of reorganizations. Learners will explore concepts and applications, concluding with a detailed quiz to reinforce their understanding.

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