
Product Ideation, Design, and Management

University of Maryland, College Park

Embark on a transformative journey with the Product Ideation, Design, and Management Specialization, offered by the University of Maryland, College Park. Through five comprehensive courses, you will delve into the core aspects of product leadership, from identifying innovative ideas to translating them into tangible assets. This Specialization is tailored for individuals aspiring to excel in product management, design, and related roles.

  • Identify product ideas and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of product managers
  • Establish product-market fit and create minimum viable products
  • Translate product ideas into reality through creative design and prototyping
  • Learn financial management techniques for new ventures within the corporate environment

By the end of the Specialization, you will have honed your ability to champion change and innovate, armed with a personalized toolkit of knowledge and techniques to overcome the challenges faced by product leaders.

Certificate Available ✔

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Product Ideation, Design, and Management
Course Modules

Embark on a transformative journey through five practical courses in the Product Ideation, Design, and Management Specialization. Explore entrepreneurial thinking, product management essentials, product-market fit, creative design and prototyping, and financial management for product leaders.

Developing Innovative Ideas for Product Leaders

Develop the skills for identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial ideas as a product leader. Foster thinking entrepreneurially, cultivate seeing entrepreneurially, and champion acting entrepreneurially to drive value innovation and opportunity identification.

Product Management Essentials

Discover the roles and responsibilities of a product manager, explore marketing challenges, and understand how innovative product teams are organized and managed. Gain insights into customer segmentation and market expansion strategies.

Establishing Product-Market Fit

Determine your target customer, define your value proposition, and create a minimum viable product and user experience. Test and iterate to improve product-market fit, ensuring your product resonates with the target audience.

Creative Design, Prototyping, and Testing

Translate product ideas into tangible assets through wireframes, 3D renderings, and prototypes. Develop minimum viable products and validate customer interests through testing assumptions, ensuring your product meets market needs.

Financial Management for Product Leaders

Learn the fundamentals of financial management for new ventures within the corporate environment. Explore valuation techniques, different sources of financing, and how to structure funding deals and pitch corporate ventures.

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