Lecture 12 of comp1927 "Data Structures and Algorithms" Richard Buckland UNSW. This marks the end of week 3, sorting, and the release of Task 1.
A selection of the course material is available at https://wiki.cse.unsw.edu.au/openlearning/computing2 This is the first lecture of COMP1927 Algorithms and Data Structures, which is the second computing course taken by first year computing students at UNSW. This course follows immediately on from COMP1917 (also available on youtube). These lectures are currently being recorded (August-November 2009).
Second lecture of COMP1927 Algorithms and Data Structures, which is the second course taken by first year computing students at UNSW. This course follows immediately on from COMP1917.
Lecture 3 of COMP1927 "Data Structures and Algorithms" by Richard Buckland UNSW, 2009
Lecture 4 of comp 1927 data structures and algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms - Richard Buckland
Comp1927 lecture 8 data structures and algorithms richard buckland needs to do some exercise
Comp1927 data structures and algorithms
Breaking the shannon limit - bucket sort, counting sort. first half of lecture 10 comp1927: data structures and algorithms
Second half of lecture 10, COMP1927 Data structures and Algorithms.
Lecture 11 comp1927 - radix sort, discussion of task 1, review of bucket sort.
Lecture 12 of comp1927 "Data Structures and Algorithms" Richard Buckland UNSW. This marks the end of week 3, sorting, and the release of Task 1.
Second half of lecture 13 of comp1927 Data Structures and Algorithms.
Lecture 14 of comp1927 data structures and algorithms
Lecture 15 of COMP1927 "Computing 2 - Data Structures and Algorithms" the second semester course taken by first year undergraduates (computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, bioinformatic engineers) at UNSW
Lecture 16 of Comp1929 Data Structures and Algorithms by Richard Buckland at UNSW 2009.
Lecture 17 of comp1927 - data structures and algorithms
Lecture 18 of comp1927 data structures and algorithms at the University of New South Wales (UNSW)
We start looking at the problem of searching. Lecture 19 of COMP1927 "Data Structures and Algorithms" by Richard Buckland UNSW, 2009
This is lecture 21 of COMP1927 "Data Structures and Algorithms" by Richard Buckland UNSW.
A fish, that cannot dance a minuet, is contemptible. Sound patchy until 2:30
A fish, that cannot dance a minuet, is contemptible. Sound patchy until 2:30
Lecture 31 Computing 2 (Comp1927) Some simple problems on graphs. Spanning trees. Threading a maze. (it looks like video still being processed - sound is clipping at the moment).
Lecture 33 of Computing2 - Data Structures and Algorithms. In this lecture we ask "How can we know if Prim's MST algorithm is correct?"
This is the first part of lecture 34 comp1927 data structures and algorithms. It's about the major project - in it we discuss a central engineering theme: controlling errors
This is the first part of Lecture 35 in Computing2: The Science of Computer Science aka Comp1927 Data Structures and Algorithms.
This was not a real lecture - it was just some miscellaneous chitchat before the extension lecture started. Rupert and Thurston recorded it as we were having some troubles with the recording software (wirecast) and wanted to do a test session to try out a new setup they were hoping would be better. mainly i was chatting about keeping secrets from Dracula in the project for those interested, then some random things before the extension lecture started.
This is a fragment of an interview with Scientist and former comp1927 student Glen Kelley in which he talks about how they do things in the "real" sciences like biology and physics, and reflects on computing as a science. Recorded to help students think about their approach to task 1 in COMP1927 and shown in class in week 3 session 2 2009.