

University of Pennsylvania

Embark on a transformative journey with Wharton's Entrepreneurship Specialization, guiding you through the conception, organization, and management of new enterprises. Through a series of five courses, you'll develop an entrepreneurial mindset and the essential skills required to transform an idea into a viable, funded business.

  • Gain insights from top Wharton professors, start-up founders, and financiers
  • Discover the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship and the profile of an entrepreneur
  • Learn practical knowledge about lean approaches, business models, and growth strategies
  • Explore various financing models and develop a pitch deck for potential investors
  • Assemble a pitch deck for a new venture and review peers' projects using evaluation criteria used by VC's

Certificate Available ✔

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Course Modules

The Entrepreneurship Specialization comprises five courses, guiding you from identifying opportunities to creating a pitch deck for potential investors.

Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity

Discover the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship, including the profile of an entrepreneur and the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management. Learn proven techniques for identifying and assessing opportunities, hypothesis testing, and creating a prototype.

Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up

Create a small organization to discover how to create a repeatable and scalable business model. Learn about the lean approach, minimum viable product, the art of the pitch, building and managing a team, and allocating equity.

Entrepreneurship 3: Growth Strategies

Gain an understanding of the essential elements of successful scaling, effective marketing practices, building a sales process, and attracting, developing, and retaining talent.

Entrepreneurship 4: Financing and Profitability

Explore different financing models including bootstrapping, debt, equity financing, and gain an understanding of what success looks like and how it can be financed.

Wharton Entrepreneurship Capstone

Assemble a pitch deck for a new venture, review peers' projects according to evaluation criteria used by VC's, and practice applying the same criteria VC’s use in evaluating potential investments.

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