
Feeding the World

University of Pennsylvania

This thought-provoking course delves into the intricate world of food production and its implications, with a primary focus on livestock. It covers the universal life cycles and constraints of major food animal species, addressing societal issues and ethical concerns. Learners will gain insights into the health benefits and potential risks of animal product consumption, the impact of animal production on the environment, and strategies for meeting the growing global demand for animal products while ensuring health and safety for both animals and consumers.

The course explores various types of animal food production systems and dismantles myths and misconceptions surrounding them. It offers a critical examination of global challenges in food systems, shedding light on collaborative efforts by scientists, farmers, and veterinarians to find sustainable solutions. The engaging lectures, delivered by experts from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, make this course ideal for those seeking to expand their knowledge of animal food systems and sustainability issues.

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Feeding the World
Course Modules

Feeding the World course modules provide a comprehensive exploration of food production science, focusing on livestock. From global industry trends to specific animal production systems, the course covers a broad spectrum of topics, offering valuable insights for learners seeking a deeper understanding of animal food systems.

Population Growth and Global Animal Industries

MODULE 1: Population Growth and Global Animal Industries

This module delves into the impact of population growth on global animal industries, addressing the status of global food security and trends in animal production. It also explores ethical issues and mega trends in animal production, providing a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Issues Surrounding Animal Production

MODULE 2: Issues Surrounding Animal Production

Delving into the concept of "Livestock's Long Shadow," this module explores concerns surrounding animal production, including animal welfare, land use, and water resources. It offers insights into the intersection of livestock issues and food security, providing a critical examination of environmental and ethical challenges.

Animal Feeds and the Environment

MODULE 3: Animal Feeds and the Environment

This module covers the intricacies of animal feeds and their environmental impact, addressing topics such as concentrates, roughages, and feed analysis. It also delves into the complex relationship between animal production and nutrient management, offering valuable insights into sustainable feeding practices and food waste management.

General Animal Production, Efficiency and Food Safety

MODULE 4: General Animal Production, Efficiency, and Food Safety

Focusing on efficiency and safety, this module explores animal production units, food safety concerns, and antibiotic use in livestock. It also addresses the challenges of food security in the developing world, providing a comprehensive overview of the complex dynamics in animal production and safety.

Dairy Production

MODULE 5: Dairy Production

This module provides a detailed examination of dairy production, covering the life cycle of dairy cows, resource use, housing systems, and industry trends. It also addresses critical issues such as milk safety, environmental impact, and public health, offering valuable insights into the complexities of the dairy industry.

Swine Production

MODULE 6: Swine Production

Delving into the life cycle of market hogs and mother sows, this module offers insights into swine production practices and the U.S. industry. It also addresses animal welfare concerns, providing a comprehensive overview of the complexities and challenges in swine production.

Poultry Production

MODULE 7: Poultry Production

This module covers the diverse poultry production systems and the U.S. poultry industry, addressing emerging welfare and public health issues. It provides a comprehensive examination of the life cycle, animal welfare, and public health concerns in poultry production, offering valuable insights into the complexities of the industry.

Beef Production

MODULE 8: Beef Production

Exploring the life cycle of beef cows and the U.S. and international beef industries, this module offers insights into animal health, industry trends, and implant technology. It also addresses critical issues such as animal and public health, providing a comprehensive overview of the complexities and challenges in beef production.

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