
Fundamentos Empresariales

University of Pennsylvania

Embark on a transformative journey with the Fundamentos Empresariales course. Over four comprehensive modules, you'll delve into the core principles of marketing, financial accounting, operational management, and corporate finance.

Throughout this specialization, you will acquire fundamental techniques in business language, enabling you to pivot to a new career, enhance your small business, or pursue advanced studies in business. The program culminates in a real-world business challenge, where you will apply your newfound skills to develop a strategic market strategy.

Engage with industry experts and apply your knowledge to solve real business problems. As part of the final project, you will analyze and propose solutions for a real-world business challenge, leveraging the skills acquired throughout the program.

  • Master the foundations of marketing, accounting, operations, and finance.
  • Develop practical skills to address real business challenges.
  • Apply learned techniques to craft a market strategy for a real-life business scenario.

Certificate Available ✔

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Fundamentos Empresariales
Course Modules

The Fundamentos Empresariales modules cover the essentials of marketing, financial accounting, operational management, and corporate finance, culminating in a real-world business challenge where you'll apply your skills to develop a strategic market strategy.

Introducción al Marketing

A deep dive into the foundations of marketing, exploring consumer decision-making processes and their impact on business decisions. This module equips you with essential skills to tackle real-life business challenges, culminating in the application of these skills in a real-world business scenario.

Introducción a la Contabilidad Financiera

Master the technical skills required to analyze financial statements and reports, preparing you to apply these skills to real-world business challenges as part of the Fundamentos Empresariales program. This module provides a solid understanding of financial accounting principles essential for business success.

Introducción a la Gestión de Operaciones

Gain insights into analyzing and enhancing business processes in service or industry settings, increasing productivity and quality levels. This module prepares you to apply these skills to real-world business challenges as part of the Fundamentos Empresariales program.

Introducción a las Finanzas Corporativas

Get a brief introduction to corporate finance fundamentals, laying the groundwork for applying these skills to real-world business challenges as part of the Fundamentos Empresariales program. This module provides essential knowledge for understanding financial aspects of businesses.

Proyecto de Fundamentos Empresariales de Wharton

The Wharton Applied Knowledge Final Project allows you to apply your analytical skills to real business challenges, including your own. You'll evaluate a real company's opportunity or situation, and prepare a strategic analysis and solution for a business challenge, all under the evaluation of qualified Wharton personnel and Televisa management teams.

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