
Improving Communication Skills

University of Pennsylvania

Improve your communication skills with the "Improving Communication Skills" course. This comprehensive program, offered by the University of Pennsylvania, equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary to communicate effectively in the workplace and beyond. Taught by renowned Wharton professor Maurice Schweitzer, you'll explore various aspects of communication, from detecting deception and building trust to mastering effective communication strategies and navigating cooperation and competition.

  • Discover effective methods for detecting deception and learn how to respond strategically to deceptive behavior.
  • Explore the intricacies of building trust, including vulnerability, rapport, and interdependence.
  • Master the art of effective communication, from conveying ideas and active listening to nonverbal communication and goal setting.
  • Understand the dynamics of cooperation and competition and learn to strike a balance between the two.

By the end of the course, you'll possess the critical communication skills needed to thrive in both your professional and personal life. Enroll today to enhance your communication skills and achieve your goals.

Certificate Available ✔

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Improving Communication Skills
Course Modules

Master essential communication skills with this course. Explore cooperation, competition, and comparisons; building trust; deception detection; and effective communication strategies.

Cooperation, Competition, and Comparisons

Explore the intricacies of cooperation, competition, and comparisons in this module. Gain insights into the principles of cooperation and competition, the mechanics of comparisons, and the impact of comparisons on motivation and behavior. Learn to strike a balance between cooperation and competition in various scenarios to achieve optimal outcomes.


Delve into the complexities of building trust in this module. Understand the challenges of cooperation and learn strategies for building trust, including vulnerability, rapport, and signaling. Explore the role of communication and institutions in fostering trust and learn to recognize and respond to cues that signal trust or distrust.


In this module, you'll learn about the fundamental truths of deception and the challenges of lie detection. Discover cues to detect deception, practical steps to manage deception, and the nature of violations. You'll also explore the art of crafting effective apologies and learn to prepare and deliver apologies in a strategic manner.

Effective Communication

Master the art of effective communication in this module. Explore methods for conveying ideas, making messages memorable, asking thoughtful questions, and engaging in active listening. Understand the nuances of nonverbal communication and learn to select the most suitable communication medium for different messages. Additionally, gain insights into goal setting and the benefits of setting and achieving clear goals.

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